Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA) – Cereal and Industrial Crops Research Centre (CREA-CI), Foggia, Italy, |
skype: sergiosaia; E-mails:,
Orcid 0000-0001-5465-8500;
Scopus Id 55179568400;
Publons id.;
Curriculum Vitae:
1.1 Education
2014, University of Piacenza, Italy: International PhD Winter School in Rhizosphere at work: soil-plant-microbes interactions, from plant nutrition to soil remediation.
2013, Univ. of Cagliari, Italy: IV PhD. Summer School in Conservation and management of plant diversity in hotspots.
2012, Univ. of Palermo, Italy: Master (EQF: 8) Mass spectrometry methodologies and applications.
2010, Univ. of Palermo, Italy: Ph.D. (EQF: 8) with “Doctor Europaeus” Mention in Mediterranean Agro-Ecosystems.
2010, Univ. of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy: PhD. Summer School ISSSEO — International Summer School in Social and Ecological Ontology: Understanding Systems, held in Pieve Tesino (TN) at the Centro Studi Alpino (CSALP).
2006, Univ. of Palermo, Italy: Master (EQF: 8) SiBS: Erosion assessment, basin conservation planning and management.
2005, Univ. of Palermo, Italy: M.Sc degree (EQF: 7) in Agricultural science and technology. Final grade: magna cum laude.
1.2 Professional Experience
2016, Jan.-present: post-doc; Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA) – Cereal and Industrial Crops Research Centre (CREA-CI), Foggia (FG), Italy.
2015, Aug-2016, Feb: field agronomist on organic cultivation of olive orchard and medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs), with special emphasis on redaction of a feasibility study for MAPs cultivation and transformation. Bona Furtuna Società Agricola Srl (CEO: Dr. P. Marino,
2011, Dec-2015, May: post-doc: Research Centre for Plant Protection and Certification (CREA-DC), Bagheria (PA), Italy.
2010, Aug-2015, Oct: researcher (Co.Co.Co.); Dept. of agricultural and forest Science, Univ. of Palermo (UNIPA-SAF).
2007, Jan-2010, Apr.: Ph.D student; UNIPA-SAAF, Italy.
2006, Sept-2006, Nov.: researcher (Co.Co.Co.); UNIPA-SAAF, Italy.
1.3 Teaching experience, lectures, seminars
2007, Genetically modified organisms: implication for the environment and organic agro-ecosystems. Seminar given at: students of the course of Organic Field Crops, Faculty of Agriculture, Univ. of Palermo (UNIPA).
2008, Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal [AM] symbiosis on growth after cutting and biological N2 fixation of berseem clover under field conditions. Seminar given at: researchers of Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Estación Experimental del Zaidín (EEZ-CSIC) (Granada, Spain).
2009, Effects of AM symbiosis on plant N uptake from organic matter added to soil and. Seminar given at: EEZ-CSIC.
2010, The organic production systems (in Italian). Lecture given at: students of the course of Sustainable Production Systems. Ist. d’istr. sup. “F.sco D’Aguirre” Salemi (TP), Italy. Ref. prof. D. Giambalvo (
2010, Genetically modified organisms: uses and constrains. Lecture given at: students of the course of Field Crops, UNIPA.
2012, Soil chemistry. Course given at: students of the course of Research Experts for sustainable agri-food production. In Dip. Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e Aerospaziale (UNIPA-DICAM), Italy. Ref: dr. M. Cannata (
2013, Soil fertility. Course given at: students of the course of Research Technician for the sustainable agri-food production. In UNIPA-DICAM, Italy. Ref: dr. M. Cannata (
2014, Apr, Agronomy of cereals. Course given at: students of the course of Research Experts organised by Fondazione Angelo e Salvatore Lima Mancuso (FLM-UNIPA), Italy.
2014, May, Quality of cereals grown under stressful conditions in semi-arid production systems. Course given at: students of the course of Research Technician organised by FLM-UNIPA, Univ. of Palermo, Italy.
2015, May, Role of AMF on C3 cereals: benefit and future prospects. Seminar given at: researchers and staff of CREA-CER (now CREA-CI), Foggia, Italy. Ref: dott. P. De Vita (
2016, Dec., Plant growth promoting microorganisms in agriculture: mechanisms, potential benefits and application. Lecture given to: students of “Sustainable agriculture”, University of Padua, Italy. Ref: prof. M. Borin (
2017, Agronomy. Course given at: students of “Digital Farmer” by Fondazione Istituto Tecnico Superiore Apulia Digital Maker, Foggia, Italy (ref. dr. Valentina Scala,,
2017, Field crops. Course given at: students of “Digital Farmer” by Fondazione Istituto Tecnico Superiore Apulia Digital Maker, Foggia, Italy (ref. dr. Valentina Scala,,
2017, May, Plant growth promoting (PGP) microbes: how they help crops to grow and overcome stresses. Lecture given to: students of “Field crops”, Univ. of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy. Ref: prof. Francia (
2017, Cereal yield potential and estimation. Lecture given at: certification agents of organic systems of the agency ICEA (Via Brugnoli 15, 40122 Bologna). In the course “The cereal chain” (ref. Vinicio Razionale,
1.4 Grants and awards
2011, Aug. → 2012, Jul., Subsidizer: Fondazione Angelo e Salvatore Lima Mancuso (FLM). Grant: 1-year research grant performed at University of Palermo, & Pietranera experimental field station, S. Stefano Quisquina (AG), Italy.
2009, Jan. → 2009, May, Subsidizer: University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy. Grant: 5-months research grant (LLL-PP Erasmus Placement traineeship) performed at Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (EEZ-CSIC), Granada, Spain.
2007, Jan. → 2009, Dec., Subsidizer: Italian ministry of University (MIUR). Grant: 3-years Ph.D grant performed at University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy & EEZ-CSIC, Granada, Spain.
1.5 Participation to or presentation of funded projects
(under evaluation) 2017 ORGAMIC “Organic Agricultural systems improved by beneficial Microbes and InterCropping”, Core Organic Cofund 2017.
2016 SolACE "Solutions for improving Agro-ecosystem and Crop Efficiency for water and nutrient use". H2020-SFS-2016.
2014-2015 Valorisation of landraces and varieties of field crops. “Salvaguardia e valorizzazione di popolazioni e varietà siciliane di specie erbacee di interesse agrario”. PSR Sicilia 2007-2013: Mis. 2014/2 Az. A, CUP: G36H11000320006
2012-2015 Improvement of the Cereal sector in Mediterranean area. “Sviluppo tecnologico e Innovazione per la Sostenibilità e Competitività della Cerealicoltura Meridionale (ISCOCEM)”. PON01_01145/F1, UNIPA-SAF.
2012-2014 Genetic resources for flower species. “Risorse tecniche e genetiche per il florovivaismo (FLO.RIS). Report: Realizzazione di protocolli di propagazione di piante ornamentali in ambiente mediterraneo per il “verde d’arredo (microarredo)”. pp.XXIII-XXVI. CREA-SFM.
2012-2014 Ecology of the invasion of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier) in Europe. PROPALMA. Protezione delle Palme ornamentali e spontanee dall’invasione biologica del Punteruolo rosso. CREA-SFM.
2010-2014 Biofuels from Mediterranean crops. BIO.FO.R.ME. Biocarburanti da fonti completamente rinnovabili non in competizione con colture alimentari in ambiente mediterraneo. MiPaf, 2010, UNIPA-SAF.
1.6 Congress organization or speeches
Organiser: Cereal Anch’io 2016 [Technical congress on cereals in semi-arid Mediterranean agro-ecosystems], Az. Agr. Serravalle, SS 417 CT-Gela, 17/09/16. Main organiser: Mensile Agrisicilia ISSN: 2039-8212
Organiser: Open-Day [Open day on the scientific research in agriculture, with a special emphasis on gluten related health concern and misinformation], 13/05/2016, Cereal Research Center (CREA-CER, Foggia)
Organiser: Cereal Anch’io 2015 [Technical congress on cereals in semi-arid Mediterranean agro-ecosystems], Masseria Giulfo, Caltanissetta 18-19/09/2015. Main organiser: Mensile Agrisicilia ISSN: 2039-8212
Chairman: session “L’orzo da malto in Sicilia” [the malt barley in Sicily] in Convegno Cereal Anch’io 2015 (see above);
Speech: 2017 A long-term ex-situ evaluation of European fan palm (Chamaerops humilis L.) suggests that few morphological descriptors could be used for conservation purposes, European Network on Palms, Lausanne (Ch), 6th-7th May
Speech: 2017 Protection of soil from the loss of organic carbon by taking into account erosion and managing land use at varying soil type: indication from a model semiarid area. Global Symposium on Soil Organic Carbon, Rome, 21st-23rd/3
Speech: 2016 Cosa serve alle varietà moderne di frumento duro per essere adatte in biologico negli ambienti semi-aridi? [Which traits should the modern durum wheat genotypes have to be suitable for the organic production systems of semi-arid Mediterranean areas?] In Convegno Cereal Anch’io 2016.
Speech: 2016 Row distance and cultivar but not sowing density determined wheat yield and competition against weeds. The 14th Congress of the European Society for Agronomy. ESA 14, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK 5-9 September 2016.
Speech: 2016 Selenium fertilization differentially affects grain selenium content but not yield in old and modern durum wheat genotypes. The 14th Congress of the European Society for Agronomy. ESA 14, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Speech: 2016 The importance of bioclimatic, pedology and land cover on mapping SOC stock with geostatistical approaches: the case study of the flat terrains in Po valley plain (Lombardy) agro-ecosystems. XIX Convegno Nazionale di Agrometeorologia - AIAM 2016, Bologna (BO), Italy, 14-16 June 2016.
Speech: 2015 La scelta varietale di frumento duro in biologico: produttività e confronto con le popolazioni coltivate [the choice of the durum wheat cultivars for the organic production systems: actual yield and comparison with the landraces]. In Convegno Cereal Anch’io 2015.
1.7 Peer review and scientific societies membership, supervision of students
Member of: Italian Society of Agro-Meteorology (from June 2016); Association of Applied Biologists (from May 2015).
Reviewer for: Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, ISSN: 0981-9428; Agronomy Journal, ISSN: 1435-0645; PlosOne, ISSN: 1932-6203; Frontiers in Plant Science, sections Agronomy, Crop Science and Horticulture, Plant Biotic Interactions Scientific Reports ISSN 2045-2322; Acta Physiologiae Plantarum ISSN: 1861-1664; Geoderma ISSN: 0016-7061; Italian Journal of Agronomy ISSN: 2039-6805; Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment ISSN: 0167-8809; Mycorrhiza ISSN: 0940-6360. External reviewer of the Ph.D. dissertation “Soil microbial response to biotransformed dry olive residue used as organic amendment” from the ph.d candidate J. A. Siles Martos at Universidad de Granada, Facultad de Ciencias, dissertation defence: April, 2014.
Supervisor of 2 Ph.D candidates, 3 M. Sc. Student theses (1 ongoing), 6 B. Sc. student theses (1 in Spanish).
last update: August 2017
skype: sergiosaia; E-mails:,
Orcid 0000-0001-5465-8500;
Scopus Id 55179568400;
Publons id.;
Curriculum Vitae:
1.1 Education
2014, University of Piacenza, Italy: International PhD Winter School in Rhizosphere at work: soil-plant-microbes interactions, from plant nutrition to soil remediation.
2013, Univ. of Cagliari, Italy: IV PhD. Summer School in Conservation and management of plant diversity in hotspots.
2012, Univ. of Palermo, Italy: Master (EQF: 8) Mass spectrometry methodologies and applications.
2010, Univ. of Palermo, Italy: Ph.D. (EQF: 8) with “Doctor Europaeus” Mention in Mediterranean Agro-Ecosystems.
2010, Univ. of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy: PhD. Summer School ISSSEO — International Summer School in Social and Ecological Ontology: Understanding Systems, held in Pieve Tesino (TN) at the Centro Studi Alpino (CSALP).
2006, Univ. of Palermo, Italy: Master (EQF: 8) SiBS: Erosion assessment, basin conservation planning and management.
2005, Univ. of Palermo, Italy: M.Sc degree (EQF: 7) in Agricultural science and technology. Final grade: magna cum laude.
1.2 Professional Experience
2016, Jan.-present: post-doc; Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA) – Cereal and Industrial Crops Research Centre (CREA-CI), Foggia (FG), Italy.
2015, Aug-2016, Feb: field agronomist on organic cultivation of olive orchard and medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs), with special emphasis on redaction of a feasibility study for MAPs cultivation and transformation. Bona Furtuna Società Agricola Srl (CEO: Dr. P. Marino,
2011, Dec-2015, May: post-doc: Research Centre for Plant Protection and Certification (CREA-DC), Bagheria (PA), Italy.
2010, Aug-2015, Oct: researcher (Co.Co.Co.); Dept. of agricultural and forest Science, Univ. of Palermo (UNIPA-SAF).
2007, Jan-2010, Apr.: Ph.D student; UNIPA-SAAF, Italy.
2006, Sept-2006, Nov.: researcher (Co.Co.Co.); UNIPA-SAAF, Italy.
1.3 Teaching experience, lectures, seminars
2007, Genetically modified organisms: implication for the environment and organic agro-ecosystems. Seminar given at: students of the course of Organic Field Crops, Faculty of Agriculture, Univ. of Palermo (UNIPA).
2008, Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal [AM] symbiosis on growth after cutting and biological N2 fixation of berseem clover under field conditions. Seminar given at: researchers of Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Estación Experimental del Zaidín (EEZ-CSIC) (Granada, Spain).
2009, Effects of AM symbiosis on plant N uptake from organic matter added to soil and. Seminar given at: EEZ-CSIC.
2010, The organic production systems (in Italian). Lecture given at: students of the course of Sustainable Production Systems. Ist. d’istr. sup. “F.sco D’Aguirre” Salemi (TP), Italy. Ref. prof. D. Giambalvo (
2010, Genetically modified organisms: uses and constrains. Lecture given at: students of the course of Field Crops, UNIPA.
2012, Soil chemistry. Course given at: students of the course of Research Experts for sustainable agri-food production. In Dip. Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e Aerospaziale (UNIPA-DICAM), Italy. Ref: dr. M. Cannata (
2013, Soil fertility. Course given at: students of the course of Research Technician for the sustainable agri-food production. In UNIPA-DICAM, Italy. Ref: dr. M. Cannata (
2014, Apr, Agronomy of cereals. Course given at: students of the course of Research Experts organised by Fondazione Angelo e Salvatore Lima Mancuso (FLM-UNIPA), Italy.
2014, May, Quality of cereals grown under stressful conditions in semi-arid production systems. Course given at: students of the course of Research Technician organised by FLM-UNIPA, Univ. of Palermo, Italy.
2015, May, Role of AMF on C3 cereals: benefit and future prospects. Seminar given at: researchers and staff of CREA-CER (now CREA-CI), Foggia, Italy. Ref: dott. P. De Vita (
2016, Dec., Plant growth promoting microorganisms in agriculture: mechanisms, potential benefits and application. Lecture given to: students of “Sustainable agriculture”, University of Padua, Italy. Ref: prof. M. Borin (
2017, Agronomy. Course given at: students of “Digital Farmer” by Fondazione Istituto Tecnico Superiore Apulia Digital Maker, Foggia, Italy (ref. dr. Valentina Scala,,
2017, Field crops. Course given at: students of “Digital Farmer” by Fondazione Istituto Tecnico Superiore Apulia Digital Maker, Foggia, Italy (ref. dr. Valentina Scala,,
2017, May, Plant growth promoting (PGP) microbes: how they help crops to grow and overcome stresses. Lecture given to: students of “Field crops”, Univ. of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy. Ref: prof. Francia (
2017, Cereal yield potential and estimation. Lecture given at: certification agents of organic systems of the agency ICEA (Via Brugnoli 15, 40122 Bologna). In the course “The cereal chain” (ref. Vinicio Razionale,
1.4 Grants and awards
2011, Aug. → 2012, Jul., Subsidizer: Fondazione Angelo e Salvatore Lima Mancuso (FLM). Grant: 1-year research grant performed at University of Palermo, & Pietranera experimental field station, S. Stefano Quisquina (AG), Italy.
2009, Jan. → 2009, May, Subsidizer: University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy. Grant: 5-months research grant (LLL-PP Erasmus Placement traineeship) performed at Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (EEZ-CSIC), Granada, Spain.
2007, Jan. → 2009, Dec., Subsidizer: Italian ministry of University (MIUR). Grant: 3-years Ph.D grant performed at University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy & EEZ-CSIC, Granada, Spain.
1.5 Participation to or presentation of funded projects
(under evaluation) 2017 ORGAMIC “Organic Agricultural systems improved by beneficial Microbes and InterCropping”, Core Organic Cofund 2017.
2016 SolACE "Solutions for improving Agro-ecosystem and Crop Efficiency for water and nutrient use". H2020-SFS-2016.
2014-2015 Valorisation of landraces and varieties of field crops. “Salvaguardia e valorizzazione di popolazioni e varietà siciliane di specie erbacee di interesse agrario”. PSR Sicilia 2007-2013: Mis. 2014/2 Az. A, CUP: G36H11000320006
2012-2015 Improvement of the Cereal sector in Mediterranean area. “Sviluppo tecnologico e Innovazione per la Sostenibilità e Competitività della Cerealicoltura Meridionale (ISCOCEM)”. PON01_01145/F1, UNIPA-SAF.
2012-2014 Genetic resources for flower species. “Risorse tecniche e genetiche per il florovivaismo (FLO.RIS). Report: Realizzazione di protocolli di propagazione di piante ornamentali in ambiente mediterraneo per il “verde d’arredo (microarredo)”. pp.XXIII-XXVI. CREA-SFM.
2012-2014 Ecology of the invasion of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier) in Europe. PROPALMA. Protezione delle Palme ornamentali e spontanee dall’invasione biologica del Punteruolo rosso. CREA-SFM.
2010-2014 Biofuels from Mediterranean crops. BIO.FO.R.ME. Biocarburanti da fonti completamente rinnovabili non in competizione con colture alimentari in ambiente mediterraneo. MiPaf, 2010, UNIPA-SAF.
1.6 Congress organization or speeches
Organiser: Cereal Anch’io 2016 [Technical congress on cereals in semi-arid Mediterranean agro-ecosystems], Az. Agr. Serravalle, SS 417 CT-Gela, 17/09/16. Main organiser: Mensile Agrisicilia ISSN: 2039-8212
Organiser: Open-Day [Open day on the scientific research in agriculture, with a special emphasis on gluten related health concern and misinformation], 13/05/2016, Cereal Research Center (CREA-CER, Foggia)
Organiser: Cereal Anch’io 2015 [Technical congress on cereals in semi-arid Mediterranean agro-ecosystems], Masseria Giulfo, Caltanissetta 18-19/09/2015. Main organiser: Mensile Agrisicilia ISSN: 2039-8212
Chairman: session “L’orzo da malto in Sicilia” [the malt barley in Sicily] in Convegno Cereal Anch’io 2015 (see above);
Speech: 2017 A long-term ex-situ evaluation of European fan palm (Chamaerops humilis L.) suggests that few morphological descriptors could be used for conservation purposes, European Network on Palms, Lausanne (Ch), 6th-7th May
Speech: 2017 Protection of soil from the loss of organic carbon by taking into account erosion and managing land use at varying soil type: indication from a model semiarid area. Global Symposium on Soil Organic Carbon, Rome, 21st-23rd/3
Speech: 2016 Cosa serve alle varietà moderne di frumento duro per essere adatte in biologico negli ambienti semi-aridi? [Which traits should the modern durum wheat genotypes have to be suitable for the organic production systems of semi-arid Mediterranean areas?] In Convegno Cereal Anch’io 2016.
Speech: 2016 Row distance and cultivar but not sowing density determined wheat yield and competition against weeds. The 14th Congress of the European Society for Agronomy. ESA 14, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK 5-9 September 2016.
Speech: 2016 Selenium fertilization differentially affects grain selenium content but not yield in old and modern durum wheat genotypes. The 14th Congress of the European Society for Agronomy. ESA 14, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Speech: 2016 The importance of bioclimatic, pedology and land cover on mapping SOC stock with geostatistical approaches: the case study of the flat terrains in Po valley plain (Lombardy) agro-ecosystems. XIX Convegno Nazionale di Agrometeorologia - AIAM 2016, Bologna (BO), Italy, 14-16 June 2016.
Speech: 2015 La scelta varietale di frumento duro in biologico: produttività e confronto con le popolazioni coltivate [the choice of the durum wheat cultivars for the organic production systems: actual yield and comparison with the landraces]. In Convegno Cereal Anch’io 2015.
1.7 Peer review and scientific societies membership, supervision of students
Member of: Italian Society of Agro-Meteorology (from June 2016); Association of Applied Biologists (from May 2015).
Reviewer for: Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, ISSN: 0981-9428; Agronomy Journal, ISSN: 1435-0645; PlosOne, ISSN: 1932-6203; Frontiers in Plant Science, sections Agronomy, Crop Science and Horticulture, Plant Biotic Interactions Scientific Reports ISSN 2045-2322; Acta Physiologiae Plantarum ISSN: 1861-1664; Geoderma ISSN: 0016-7061; Italian Journal of Agronomy ISSN: 2039-6805; Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment ISSN: 0167-8809; Mycorrhiza ISSN: 0940-6360. External reviewer of the Ph.D. dissertation “Soil microbial response to biotransformed dry olive residue used as organic amendment” from the ph.d candidate J. A. Siles Martos at Universidad de Granada, Facultad de Ciencias, dissertation defence: April, 2014.
Supervisor of 2 Ph.D candidates, 3 M. Sc. Student theses (1 ongoing), 6 B. Sc. student theses (1 in Spanish).
last update: August 2017