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Shanto Roy

RNS Lab,
Dept. of Computer Science,
University of Houston
I have been working as a Research Assistant and have enrolled as a Ph.D. student at the Department of Computer Science, University of Houston since Fall-2019. My primary research interest is in Cyber Security, Data Science & ML, SDN, Cloud-IoT ecosystem etc. I started my journey in the research arena in 2016 and have been publishing my ideas and works since then.

Before joining UH, I worked as a lecturer in the Dept. of CSE, Green University of Bangladesh. I like to collaborate with other researchers and together we have been working on projects and publications. I also like to have hands-on experiences on System Administration that made me take part in RHCSA, RHCE, Openstack, CCNA etc vendor courses, and exams. I intend to gather more knowledge that covers the topics of DevSecOps.

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