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Shereen Hussein

Principal Research Fellow (Chair)
Policy Institute at Kings
King’s College London,
London WC2R 2LS
Dr Shereen Hussein is a demographer and a scientific adviser to the Department of Health in England. She has worked in the Middle East with the United Nations, the Population Council, and the league of Arab States on research related to family formation, child health and decision making within the family. She acts a statistical reviewer and advisor to a number of institutions including the National Institute of Health Research (Health Technology Assessment Programme); the Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Department of Health.

Over the past decade, Shereen has been working in the domain of long term care and policy related context in the UK and for the World Bank. Her current research includes migration, workforce dynamics and structure and statistical modelling of workforce data. She is a Fellow of the National Institute for Health Research and a fellow of several international statistics bodies such as the Royal Statistical Society and the Islamic Countries Society of Statistical Sciences.
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