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Swapan Kumar Roy

Swapan Kumar Roy
Lab of Plant Breeding and Functional Proteomics
Department of Crop Science
Chungbuk National University
1, Chungdae-ro, Seowon-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungbuk 28644
Korea (Republic of)
Dr. Roy is a Post-Doc Fellow at the department of Crop Science in Chungbuk National University, South Korea. He has completed his MS from Bangladesh Agricultural University from the department of Biotechnology. Last couple of years, he was fully involved in the plant proteomics research. Basically, Dr. Roy is looking for "Heavy metal stress on in C4 plants, sorghum using proteomic approaches". In addition, Dr. Roy is looking for the molecular mechanism underlying high temperature stress in sorghum on different developmental stages. During the PhD course, he has published his research works in the highest esteem journal.
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