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Ayeley P. Tchangani

Laboratoire Génie de Production

47 Avenue d'Azereix, 65016 Tarbes, France
Ayeley Philippe Tchangani received Ingénieur degree (1995) from Ecole Centrale de Lille, France, MSc degree (1995) and a PhD degree (1999) from Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France in control and automation. After a post doctoral fellowship at French South Africa Technical Institute in electronics (Pretoria, South Africa), he joins Université Toulouse III – IUT de Tarbes in 2001 where he is currently an associate professor. He holds a research position at Laboratoire Génie de Production (LGP) of Ecole Nationale d’Ingenieurs de Tarbes (ENIT) since 2003. Dr. Tchangani’s current research interests are in decision analysis, uncertainty modeling and risk assessment and management. Results of his researches appeared in a number of international refereed journals; a list of his publications is available at He regularly serves as Internal Program Committee (IPC) member of international conferences. Dr. Tchangani is a member of IEEE and MCDM societies.
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