eProLab - Energy and Propulsion Laboratory
Dept. of Industrial Engineering
University of Salerno
84084 Fisciano (SA) - Italy
Center for Automotive Research -
The Ohio State University
930 Kinnear Road Columbus OH- USA 43212
![]() | vmarano@unisa.it , marano.8@osu.edu |

Vincenzo Marano
Dr. Vincenzo Marano is currently a Research Fellow at the Department of Industrial Engineering (DIIN) of University of Salerno (UNISA), and Adjunct Fellow at The Ohio State University Center for Automotive Research (OSU CAR). He received his B.S./M.S. "cum laude" in Mechanical Engineering in 2003 and his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering in 2007, all from the University of Salerno (Italy).
He manages research development efforts and is responsible for establishing/ developing working relationships with potential and existing sponsors. His research interests are in the broad areas of energy systems and alternative vehicles. Dr. Marano coordinates and conducts research on plug-in electric vehicles, energy storage, energy management, control strategies for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, their interaction with renewable energy sources and the grid, macroeconomics and energy policy.
Since 2008, Dr. Marano has served as program manager of the SMART@CAR consortium, an International collaborative research and development program of The Ohio State University - Center for Automotive Research- focused on Plug-in Electric Vehicles (PEVs) and intelligent charging, and sponsored by major automotive OEMs and electric utilities.
In 2008-2010, Dr. Marano has collaborated with with Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), General Electric (GE), Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), in a US Department of Energy (DOE) program aiming at studying benefits, barriers, opportunities, and challenges of grid-connected, plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEV) in order to establish potential value propositions that will lead to commercially viable PHEVs.
ASME and SAE member, he has authored about 60 scientific publications (including the book R Fagiani, V Marano, R Sioshansi (2011) “The Impact of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles on the Power Sector: Environmental and Grid Impact Analysis” LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing ISBN: 3844310789), regularly serves as reviewer for ISI journals and international conferences organized by SAE, ASME and IEEE, and has been invited speaker at International panels on sustainable transportation and renewable energy.
eProLAB - University of Salerno, Italy - Italy http://www.eprolab.unisa.it/index -
Center for Automotive Research - The Ohio State University, USA - http://www.car.osu.edu/smartatcar