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Xin Zhao

Journal articles

Marina Carravetta, Xin Zhao, Ole G Johannessen, Wai Cheu Lai, Michiel A Verhoeven, Petra H M Bovee-Geurts, Peter J E Verdegem, Suzanne Kiihne, Henrik Luthman, Huub J M de Groot, J deGrip Willem, Johan Lugtenburg, Malcolm H Levitt (2004)  Protein-induced bonding perturbation of the rhodopsin chromophore detected by double-quantum solid-state NMR.   J Am Chem Soc 126: 12. 3948-3953 Mar  
Abstract: We have obtained carbon-carbon bond length data for the functional retinylidene chromophore of rhodopsin, with a spatial resolution of 3 pm. The very high resolution was obtained by performing double-quantum solid-state NMR on a set of noncrystalline isotopically labelled bovine rhodopsin samples. We detected localized perturbations of the carbon-carbon bond lengths of the retinylidene chromophore. The observations are consistent with a model in which the positive charge of the protonated Schiff base penetrates into the polyene chain and partially concentrates around the C13 position. This coincides with the proximity of a water molecule located between the glutamate-181 and serine-186 residues of the second extracellular loop, which is folded back into the transmembrane region. These measurements support the hypothesis that the polar residues of the second extracellular loop and the associated water molecule assist the rapid selective photoisomerization of the retinylidene chromophore by stabilizing a partial positive charge in the center of the polyene chain.
Anthony Watts, Suzana K Straus, Stephan L Grage, Miya Kamihira, Yuen Han Lam, Xin Zhao (2004)  Membrane protein structure determination using solid-state NMR.   Methods Mol Biol 278: 403-473  
Abstract: Solid-state NMR is emerging as a method for resolving structural information for large biomolecular complexes, such as membrane-embedded proteins. In principle, there is no molecular weight limit to the use of the approach, although the complexity and volume of data is still outside complete assignment and structural determinations for any large (Mr > approx 30,000) complex unless specific methods to reduce the information content to a manageable amount are employed. Such methods include specific residue-type labeling, labeling of putative segments of a protein, or examination of complexes made up of smaller, manageable units, such as oligomeric ion channels. Labeling possibilities are usually limited to recombinant or synthesized proteins, and labeling strategies often follow models from a bioinformatics approach. In all cases, and in common with most membrane studies, sample preparation is vital, and this activity alone can take considerable effort before NMR can be applied--peptide or protein production (synthesis or expression) followed by reconstitution into bilayers and resolution of suitable sample geometry is still technically challenging. As experience is gained in the field, this development time should decrease. Here, the practical aspects of the use of solid-state NMR for membrane protein structural determinations are presented, as well as how the methodology can be applied. Some successes to date are discussed, with an indication of how the area might develop.
Xin Zhao, Wilfried Hoffbauer, Jörn Schmedt auf der Günne, M H Malcolm H Levitt (2004)  Heteronuclear polarization transfer by symmetry-based recoupling sequences in solid-state NMR.   Solid State Nucl Magn Reson 26: 2. 57-64 Sep  
Abstract: We demonstrate a new set of methods for transferring spin polarization between different nuclear isotopes in magic-angle-spinning solid-state NMR. The technique employs symmetry-based recoupling sequences on one irradiation channel and a simple sequence of between one and three strong radiofrequency pulses on the second channel. A phase shift of the recoupling sequences is applied at the same time as a pi/2 pulse on the second channel. The trajectory of the transferred polarization may be used to estimate heteronuclear distances. The method is particularly attractive for nuclei with low gyromagnetic ratios or for those experiencing strong anisotropic spin interactions, where conventional Hartmann-Hahn cross-polarization is difficult to apply. We demonstrate the method on 1H-13C, 1H-15N and 19F-109Ag systems.
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