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Paolo Guglielmetti

Dr Paolo Guglielmetti
European Commission
Health programme and chronic diseases
HITEC Building 01/069
11, Rue E.Ruppert
L – 2920 Luxembourg

Dr Paolo Guglielmetti works as Principal Administrator-Team Leader in the 'Health and Food Safety' Directorate General of the European Commission (DG SANTE). He arrived in the European Commission in 2002 after a career spent in the field of paediatrics, communicable diseases, tropical medicine and management of public health emergencies during natural disasters and conflict situations.
Since 2007 he was Head of the Team leading for prevention, early warning and co-ordination of public health response to health threats caused by biological, chemical, and environmental threats.
Dr Guglielmetti, in addition to the dossiers dealt as part of his duties, contributed substantially to the revision of the EU legislation to prepare, alert and respond to serious cross-border threats to health, which has been adopted by the European Parliament and the Council in December 2013. Dr Guglielmetti run and chaired the meetings of the EU Early Warning and Response System (EWRS) Network and the CBRN Subgroup of the EU Health Security Committee and during the last decade followed up major emergency and crisis situations, such as SARS, H1N1 pandemic influenza, and Ebola epidemic in West Africa. In February 2016 Mr Guglielmetti joined the 'Health Programme and Chronic Diseases' Unit in DG SANTE and is currently following the 'Cancer' dossier.

Dr Guglielmetti obtained his Medical degree in 1985 followed by a Diploma in Tropical Medicine (Antwerp University - Belgium) and a PhD in Infectious Diseases (Siena University - Italy). From 1985 to 1997 Dr Guglielmetti worked in Africa, Central and South America and in the Infectious Diseases Department of Siena University teaching Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases and doing research and full-time clinical work. From 1997 to 2001 Dr Guglielmetti worked for the International Centre for Health Management (ICHM) of the Italian National Institute of Health (ISS) and for the Emergency and Humanitarian Assistance Office of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs where he followed major emergencies and crisis in Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia.

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