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Rafa E. Al-Qutaish
Currently, Dr. Al-Qutaish is a Deputy Dean & Assistant Professor of Software Engineering at Alain University of Science and Technology, Abu Dhabi Campus, UAE. He has a Ph.D. degree in Software Engineering from the Department of Software Engineering at the École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS) - University of Québce in Canada. Also, he has M.Sc. degree in Software Engineering from Putra University in Malaysia, and B.Sc. degree in Computer Science from Yarmouk University in Jordan. In addition, Dr. Al-Qutaish is a senior member of the IEEE & IEEE-CS, and an active member of the ACM & ASQ.



Journal articles

Mohammad I Muhairat, Rafa E Al-Qutaish, Belkacem Athamena (2011)  From Graphical User Interface to Domain Class Diagram: A Reverse Engineering Approach,   Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Little Lion Scientific, Islamabad, Pakistan, Vol. 24, No. 1: pp. 28-40.  
Abstract: The Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) of software products are extensively used by researchers and practitioners in Software Engineering field. For Example, they are used for testing, measuring usability, and many other purposes. This paper describes a new reverse engineering approach to transform the GUI into class diagram. However, the correctness of such transformation process is essential for the corrected execution of the overall software. To assure this correctness, the interpreted Petri nets models will be implemented on the proposed transformation processes (i.e. capturing, normalization, and translation processes).
Saleh H Al-Daajeh, Rafa E Al-Qutaish, Fuad Al-Qirem (2011)  Engineering Dependability to Embedded Systems Software via Tactics,   International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications, Vol. 5, No. 4: pp. 45-62.  
Abstract: Embedded systems are used in many critical applications of our daily life. The increased complexity of embedded systems and the tightened safety regulations posed on them and the scope of the environment in which they operate are driving the need of more dependable embedded systems. Therefore, achieving a high level of quality and dependability to embedded systems is an ultimate goal. This research study investigates the inter-relationships between dependability and other embedded systems quality attributes using two pieces of information: Tactics and Dependability Quality attributes scenarios.
Rafa E Al-Qutaish (2010)  Quality Models in Software Engineering Literature: An Analytical and Comparative Study,   Journal of American Science, Marsland Press, Michigan, USA, Vol. 6, No. 3: pp. 166-175.  
Abstract: The quality of the software is critical and essential in different types of organizations. In some types of software, poor quality of the software product in sensitive systems (such as: real-time systems, control systems, etc.) may lead to loss of human life, permanent injury, mission failure, or financial loss. In software engineering literature, there are a number of quality models in which they contain a number of quality characteristics (or factors, as called in some models). These quality characteristics could be used to reflect the quality of the software product from the view of that characteristic. Selecting which one of the quality models to use is a real challenge. In this paper, we will discuss the contents of the following quality models: McCall’s quality model, Boehm’s quality model, Dromey's quality model, FURPS quality model and ISO 9126 quality model. In addition, we will focus on a comparison between these quality models, and find the key differences between them.
Mohammad I Muhairat, Saleh H Al-Daajeh, Rafa E Al-Qutaish (2010)  The Impact of Global Software Development Factors on Effort Estimation Methods,   Eouropean Journal of Scientific Research, EuroJournals, London, UK, Vol. 46, No. 2: pp. 221-232  
Abstract: Outsourcing software development work activities has brought many benefits to software development projects, such as, reduced development cost and time. Managing the application of this strategy is a key characteristic in its own or in its implications. Accurate effort estimation is crucial to software development projects success, especially in globally distributed projects. Therefore, it is necessary to identify and to investigate the underlying factors which influence the accuracy of effort estimation methods. In this paper, we will investigate the COCOMO II, SLIM and ISBSG effort estimation methods. Furthermore, the ISBSG method supports the experts’ judgment estimation for effort as a candidate effort estimation method representing the expert judgment with accuracy in estimating the required amount of effort to accomplish a given project within the context of globally distributed projects.
Mohammad I Muhairat, Rafa E Al-Qutaish, Akram A Abdelqader (2010)  UML Diagrams Generator: A New CASE Tool to Construct the Use-Case and Class Diagrams from an Event Table,   Journal of Computer Science, Science Publications, New York, USA, Vol. 6, No. 3: pp. 253-260.  
Abstract: Problem statement: Building UML diagrams is a very important and time consuming task for both requirements and design phases. However, some of these diagrams, such as use-case and class diagrams can be considered as a transition between the two phases. Approach: Through this study, the event table will be used to derive the use-case and class diagrams. Results: A new CASE tool to automate the proposed approach will be introduced, that is, the UML diagrams generator (UMLdg). Conclusion: It is clearly noted that the proposed CASE tool (UMLdg) gives an ideal and reasonable methodology to construct the intended use-case and class diagrams from any comprehensive event table. Furthermore, this tool will save the time for the building process of such diagrams.
Basil M Al-Kasasbeh, Rafa E Al-Qutaish, Mohammad I Muhairat (2010)  Innovative Algorithms for the Header Processing Transition from IPv4 to IPv6 and Vice Versa,   International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Zarka Private University, Jordan, Vol. 7, No. 3: pp. 280-289.  
Abstract: The huge numbers of computers, devices and networks that connected to the Internet in the networking industry, that require more address space, better Quality of Services support, greater security, and an increasing number of media types and Internet-capable devices have all contributed to drive the development of new IPv6 protocol. The major importance during the development of IPv6 has been how to do the transition away from IPv4 towards IPv6 and vice versa. The work on transition strategies, tools, and mechanisms has been part of the basic IPv6 design effort from the beginning. The transition process from the current IPv4 to the future IPv6 is probably one of the most important subjects during the next generation protocols. This paper reviews the basics of IPv4 and IPv6 headers, and the methods for managing the transformation between IPv4 and IPv6. The proposed algorithms deal with header processing transformation transition between IPv4/IPv6 and vice versa depending on the bi-directional identification and recognition processes of the two distinct headers.
Khalid T Al-Sarayreh, Rafa E Al-Qutaish, Basil M Al-Kasasbeh (2009)  Using the Sound Recognition Techniques to Reduce the Electricity Consumption in Highways,   Journal of American Science, Marsland Press, Michigan, USA, Vol. 5, No. 2: pp. 1-12.  
Abstract: The lighting is available for the highways to avoid accidents and to make the driving safe and easy, but turning the lights on all the nights will consume a lot of energy which it might be used in another important issues. This paper aims at using the sound recognition techniques in order to turn the lights on only when there are cars on the highway and only for some period of time. In more details, Linear Predictive Coding (LPC) method and feature extraction will be used to apply the sound recognition. Furthermore, the Vector Quantization (VQ) will be used to map the sounds into groups in order to compare the tested sounds.
Rafa E Al-Qutaish (2009)  Measuring the Software Product Quality during the Software Development Life-Cycle: An International Organization for Standardization Standards Perspective,   Journal of Computer Science, Science Publications, New York, USA, Vol. 5, No. 5: pp. 392-397.  
Abstract: Problem statement: The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) published a set of international standards related to the software engineering, such as ISO 12207 and ISO 9126. However, there is a set of cross-references between these two standards. Approach: The ISO 9126 on software product quality and ISO 12207 on software life cycle processes had been analysed to investigate the relationships between them and to make a mapping from the ISO 9126 quality characteristics to the ISO 12207 activities and vers versa. Results: This study presented a set of comments and suggestions to improve the ISO 9126. Conclusion: The weaknesses of the crossreferences between the two ISO standards had been highlighted. In addition, this study provided a number of comments and suggestions to be taken into account on the next version of the ISO 9126 international standard.
Muzhir SH Al-Ani, Basil M Al-Kasasbeh, Rafa E Al-Qutaish, Mohammad I Muhairat (2009)  Constructing a New Communication System by Integrating the GSM to the Satellites Infrastructure,   WSEAS Transactions on Communications, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, Athens, Greece, Vol. 8, No. 2: pp. 217-226.  
Abstract: The current researches and industries are looking forward to integrate different technologies to get a global technology that offers all of the intended services in a simple way. In this paper, a new communications system is proposed to integrate the use of GSM over the available satellites infrastructures. The proposed ommunications system could be used to facilitates and get benefits of both systems (the GSM and Satellites) to achieve competitive services over the world. The proposed system is concentrated on a global communications system that served all over the world and gives some specialization and privacy for each country. Furthermore, this paper shows an algorithm on how to implement the GSM over satellite systems in an efficient, flexible, and cost-effective manner.
Ahmad H Omari, Basil M Al-Kasasbeh, Rafa E Al-Qutaish, Mohammad I Muhairat (2009)  DEA-RTA: A Dynamic Encryption Algorithm for the Real-Time Applications,   International Journal of Computers, North Atlantic University Union, Iowa, USA, Vol. 3, No. 1: pp. 191-199.  
Abstract: The Internet and it is applications are hungry for high level of Quality of Service (QoS), and most of the Internet applications seek to minimize packets delay, especially, the Real-Time Applications (RTA). QoS is considered as a major issue in the Internet, where RTA services like IPTelephony and XoIP become a successful business in the world, call distribution may result in big money loss, for this reason researchers put their efforts to build applications that can deal with different levels of QoS. In addition to the basic QoS some customers ask to preserve confidentiality which makes it more complicated and may result in higher delay time. Delay is very complex issue specially in RTA, and it consists of many types of delays, such as, Packetization delay (sampling, coderdecoder (codec),compression and encryption), and end-to-end delay (processing, queuing, serialization and propagation delays), our research try to achieve better encryption delay at the user machine CPU level while maintain confidentiality. The proposed algorithm is a new symmetric encryption technique that allows users to choose using new different key for each single packet if they wish. The encryption key is flexible in length, the plain text is flexible in size, the encryption process is very simple, the transposition table is simple too, the shifted transposition table is easy to initiate and complex to regenerate. These properties results in better encryption delay while maintaining confidentiality, the algorithm is 15 times faster and 10 times faster than AES algorithm.
Khalid T Al-Sarayreh, Rafa E Al-Qutaish, Mohammed D Al-Majali (2008)  Incorporating the Biometric Voice Technology into the E-Government Systems to Enhance the User Verification,   WSEAS Transactions on Computers, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, Athens, Greece, Vol. 7, No. 5: pp. 435-452.  
Abstract: Many courtiers around the world have started their e-government programs. E-government portals will be increasingly used by the citizens of many countries to access a set of services. Currently, the use of the e-government portals arises many challenges; one of these challenges is the security issues. E-government portals security is a very important characteristic in which it should be taken into account. In this paper, we have incorporated the biometric voice technology into the e-government portals in order to increase the security and enhance the user verification. In this way, the security should be increased since the user needs to use his voice along with his password. Therefore, no any unauthorized person can access the e-government portal even if he/she knows the required password.
Rafa E Al-Qutaish, Khalid T Al-Sarayreh (2008)  Software Process and Product ISO Standards: A Comprehensive Survey,   European Journal of Scientific Research, EuroJournals, London, UK, Vol. 19, No. 2: pp. 289-303.  
Abstract: Nowadays, many organizations are dealing with the publication of standards for software engineering, for examples, European Space Agency (ESA), Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), and International Organization for Standardization (ISO). In this paper, the ISO software engineering standards are classified into software product and software process ISO standards. Actually, from the huge list of the ISO software engineering standards, we chose only ten standards; that is, five software product ISO standards and five software process ISO standards. For some of the selected ISO standards, this paper presents their intended users (developer, tester, acquirer, etc.) and where (in terms of the development life-cycle) they could be used. In addition, the software engineering topics which have no ISO standards are highlighted.
Basil M Al-Kasasbeh, Muzhir SH Al-Ani, Rafa E Al-Qutaish, Khalid T Al-Sarayreh (2008)  Measuring the Optimal Transmission Power of GSM Cellular Network: A Case Study,   Communications of the IBIMA, International Business Information Management Association, USA, No. 4: pp. 216-221.  
Abstract: Mobility management is a leading factor in personal communications services networks. Thus, it is important to verify that the mobile unit receives all services whenever moving from one place to another. This paper deals with the study and analysis of the optimal transmission power at a specific zone through a GSM cellular network. The definition of coverage area is constructed by a proper analysis of signal strength measurement. Some problematic tasks appear through the variation of geographical terrain. An accurate coverage area obtained due to an effective cellular positioning method that not requires any significant changes to the network or mobile device.
Basil M Al-Kasasbeh, Rafa E Al-Qutaish, Khalid T Al-Sarayreh (2008)  Indirect Routing of Mobile IP: A Non-Encapsulation Approach,   International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, IJCSNS, Seoul, Korea, Vol. 8, No. 7: pp. 124-131.  
Abstract: Currently, when using the mobile IP indirect routing technique, it explicitly includes the encapsulation (such encapsulation is also called tunneling) approach. However, it is uncommon to use the non-encapsulation approach with the mobile IP indirect routing technique. In this paper, we propose a new approach in which we use the non-encapsulation approach to the indirect routing. In this way, the delay and the speed of CoA registration and communication processes within the indirect routing will be positively affected. Moreover, this way will decrease the delay and increase the speed of transmission.
Basil M Al-Kasasbeh, Rafa E Al-Qutaish, Muzhir S Al-Ani, Khalid T Al-Sarayreh (2008)  Real Digital TV Accessed by Cellular Mobile System,   European Journal of Scientific Research, EuroJournals, London, UK, Vol. 20, No. 4: pp. 914-923.  
Abstract: Presently, there is a huge revolution through the use of internet and cellular mobile units, that almost dominant the world by a huge investment in this field. This paper aims at incorporating the digital live TV video to the cellular mobile system. The next generation cellular mobile communication system can have the ability to access the video TV with high resolution. This system is constructed by receiving and multiplexing satellite TV channels to be standby and accessible.
Alain Abran, Rafa E Al-Qutaish, Juan Cuadrado-Gallego (2006)  Analysis of the ISO 9126 on Software Product Quality Evaluation from the Metrology and ISO 15939 Perspectives,   WSEAS Transactions on Computers, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, Athens, Greece, Vol. 5, No. 11: pp. 2778-2786.  
Abstract: While metrology has a long tradition of use in physics and chemistry, it is rarely referred to in the software engineering measurement, and in particular, in the design and documentation of software measures. Using the ISO 9126-4 Technical Report on the measurement of software quality in use as a case study, this paper reports on the extent to which this ISO series addresses the metrology criteria typical of classic measurement. Areas for improvement in the design and documentation of measures proposed in ISO 9126-4 are identified based on the ISO International Vocabulary of Basic and General Terms in Metrology (VIM) and ISO 15939.
Alain Abran, Rafa E Al-Qutaish, Jean-Marc Desharnais (2005)  Harmonization Issues in the Updating of the ISO Standards on Software Product Quality,   Metrics News: Journal of the Software Metrics Community, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, Magdeburg, Germany, Vol. 10, No. 2: pp. 35-44.  
Abstract: Within the context of the current ISO project to upgrade the set of technical reports on the measurement of the quality of software products (ISO 9126), the ISO working group concerned has come up with proposals for various documents (standards or technical reports) in the new ISO 25000 series to improve the interpretation and use of the quality measures. This paper investigates some of the harmonization issues arising with the addition of new documents like ISO 25021, in particular with respect to previously published measurement standards for software engineering, such as ISO 9126, ISO 15939, ISO 14143-1 and ISO 19761.

Book chapters


Conference papers

Rafa E Al-Qutaish, Laila Cheikhi (2011)  Analysis of the Meanings of the Measurement, Assessment, and Evaluation in ISO/IEEE Software Engineering Standards,   In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Applied Computer and Applied Computational Science (ACACOS’11), Venice, Italy, pp. 110-115.  
Abstract: Software engineering international standards have been developed to eliminate the gaps between the practitioners in understanding and implementing the software engineering terms and procedures. However, in presence of the coordination lack between the standardization bodies and even between the different work-groups within the same standardization body, some of these software engineering standards came up with conflicted definitions and meanings of the same terms. Thus, this will make it difficult or impossible for the practitioners to implement such standards in a correct and rigorous way. In this paper, the meanings of the ‘measurement’, ‘assessment’, and ‘evaluation’ terms and the relationship between them in different ISO and IEEE standards will be discussed
Rafa E Al-Qutaish (2009)  An Investigation of the Weaknesses of the ISO 9126 International Standard,   In: Proceedings of the 2nd International conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering (ICCEE'09), Dubai, UAE, pp. 275-279.  
Abstract: Since 2005 and up-to-date, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is ongoing to update the current ISO 9126 international standard on software product quality measurement. However, this current standard will be replaced by the quality measurement division (ISO 25020, ISO 25021, ISO 25022, ISO 25023, and ISO 25024) of the upcoming ISO 25000 series of international standards on software quality requirements and evaluation (SQuaRE). This paper presents an investigation of the weaknesses of the current ISO 9126 by collecting various viewpoints of interested researchers and practitioners. Furthermore, this investigation will tackle the potential solutions of such weaknesses to be taken into account when preparing the new quality measurement division of the ISO 25000 series of international standards.
Mohammad I Muhairat, Rafa E Al-Qutaish (2009)  An Approach to Derive the Use Case Diagrams from an Event Table,   In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Software Engineering, Parallel and Distributed Systems (SEPADS'09), University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, pp. 33-38.  
Abstract: Building the use-case diagram is a very important task since it represents a transition between the requirements and design phases. However, building such diagram is a time consuming process and needs a complete understanding of the requirements. In this paper, we introduce an approach to derive use case diagrams from an event table. This new approach will facilitate and speed the generation process of the use case diagrams. However, this approach will completely depends on the availability of a comprehensive event table which to be built from the available requirements.
Basil M Al-Kasasbeh, Rafa E Al-Qutaish, Mohammad I Muhairat (2009)  Utilizing Satellite Systems for Mobile Communications: An Emerging Approach,   In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Electronics, Hardware, Wireless and Optical Communications (EHAC'09), University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, pp. 39-44.  
Abstract: The future trends of technologies are to achieve all systems in an integrated global one that offers all the services in a simple way. The proposed mobile communications over satellite is an advanced technology that used the facilities and benefits of both systems to achieve competitive services. The proposed system concentrated on a global system that served the entire world and gives some specialization and privacy for each country. This paper attempts to show how to implement mobile communications over satellite systems in an efficient, flexible, and cost-effective manner.
Khaled M Mustafa, Rafa E Al-Qutaish, Mohammad I Muhairat (2009)  Classification of Software Testing Tools Based on the Software Testing Methods,   In: Proceedings of the 2nd International conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering (ICCEE'09), Dubai, UAE, pp. 229-233.  
Abstract: During the software development life cycle, testing is highly needed to assure the quality of the software process and product. For many years, researchers and practitioners came-up with a variety of software tools to automate the testing process. In this paper, we will classify and distribute a set of testing tools over the types of testing (testing methods) for three types of software products (web application, application software, and network protocol). However, the outcomes of this classification are dedicated to the researchers and practitioners in software testing to know which types of testing have no or limited automated tools.
Rafa E Al-Qutaish, Mohammad I Muhairat, Basil M Al-Kasasbeh (2009)  The Analytical Hierarchy Process as a Tool to Select Open Source Software,   In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Software Engineering, Parallel and Distributed Systems (SEPADS'09), University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, pp. 39-44.  
Abstract: Due to a high number of open source software over the internet, it is a challenge to determine which one – over a verity of alternatives – is the most appropriate for our intended needs. In this paper, the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique along with the ISO 9126 will be integrated and applied to the selection process of open source software products. Thus, the intended features (i.e. the ISO 9126 quality characteristics) need to be identified in order to be taken into account to give a set of ranks for the intended open source software, that is, ‘rank one’ will be given to the most appropriate open source software product based on its intended features against the other alternatives of open source software products.
Basil M Al-Kasasbeh, Muzhir SH Al-Ani, Rafa E Al-Qutaish, Khalid T Al-Sarayreh (2008)  Measuring the Optimal Transmission Power of GSM Cellular Network: A Case Study,   In: Proceedings of the 10th International Business Information Management Association Conference on Innovation and Knowledge Management in Business Globalization, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 760-765.  
Abstract: Mobility management is a leading factor in personal communications services networks. Thus, it is important to verify that the mobile unit receives all services whenever moving from one place to another. This paper deals with the study and analysis of the optimal transmission power at a specific zone through a GSM cellular network. The definition of coverage area is constructed by a proper analysis of signal strength measurement. Some problematic tasks appear through the variation of geographical terrain. An accurate coverage area obtained due to an effective cellular positioning method that not requires any significant changes to the network or mobile device.
Khalid T Al-Sarayreh, Rafa E Al-Qutaish (2008)  Enhancing the Security of E-Government Portals using Biometric Voice along with a Traditional Password,   In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Data Bases (AIKED'08), University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, pp. 101-108.  
Abstract: The security is a very important characteristic for any e-government portal. In this paper, we have introduced a methodology to use the voice as a support security characteristic along with the traditional password. In this way, the security could be increased since the user needs to use his voice beside his password. Therefore, no any unauthorized person can enter the e-government portal even if he gets a password.
Ahmad H Omari, Basil M Al-Kasasbeh, Rafa E Al-Qutaish, Mohammad I Muhairat (2008)  A New Cryptographic Algorithm for the Real Time Applications,   In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Security and Privacy (ISP'08), Cairo, Egypt, pp. 33-38.  
Abstract: Recently, many companies have been deploying Real Time Applications (RTA) over the internet like VoIP, Video Conferencing and other Multimedia services. The need to protect user’s data and infrastructures becomes more crucial than ever. Encryption is used to provide the security needed for real time applications. Since RTA contain high volume of data, classical encryption techniques are not appropriate, because most of RTA are served via Internet, the encryption and decryption techniques has to take minimal time to achieve acceptable end-to-end delay. In this paper, a new cryptographic algorithm is developed to improve the time for encryption and decryption of data of end-to-end delay and provide higher level of security.
Rafa E Al-Qutaish, Khalid T Al-Sarayreh (2008)  Applying Six-Sigma Concepts to the Software Engineering: Myths and Facts,   In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Engineering, Parallel and Distributed Systems (SEPADS'08), University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, pp. 178-183.  
Abstract: Six-sigma has been invented by Motorola Company in 1986. Since that time, it has been widely used in the manufacturing. The success stories of applying six-sigma in manufacturing during the last years have encouraged the practitioners and researchers to explore the applicability of six-sigma in software industry. For the applicability of six-sigma in software engineering, some researchers came up with good results, while the others came up with a number of uncertainties on applying six-sigma to software engineering. In this paper, we will discuss these two opinions to present a clear view of both of them.
Khalid T Al-Sarayreh, Rafa E Al-Qutaish (2007)  Using Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence to Build an E-Glass for the Blinds,   In: the Regional Conference on Sharing Experience on Best Practices in ICT Services for Persons with Disabilities, Cairo, Egypt.  
Abstract: Nowadays, IT and communication systems are used in a wide range of our lives. Therefore, we can not imagine our lives without IT and communication systems. From this point we got an idea to build an e-glass which utilizes of an embedded system and neural networks, however, this e-glass could be used by the blinds to assist them in their ways without any assistants from other persons. It is important to note that the hardware and software components of the e-glass are not expensive. When this class is used by the blinds it will make them self confidence, let them walk independently and increase their morality.
Alain Abran, Rafa E Al-Qutaish, Juan Cuadrado-Gallego (2006)  Investigation of the Metrology Concepts in ISO 9126 on Software Product Quality Evaluation,   In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computers (ICComp'06), Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, pp. 864-872.  
Abstract: The ISO International Vocabulary of Basic and General Terms in Metrology (VIM) represents the international consensus on a common and general terminology of metrology concepts. However, until recently, it was not usual practice in software engineering measurement to take into account metrology concepts and criteria in the design of software measures. Using the ISO 9126-4 Technical Report on the measurement of software quality in use as a case study, this paper reports on the extent to which this ISO series addresses the metrology criteria typical of classic measurement. Areas for improvement in the design and documentation of measures proposed in ISO 9126 are identified.
Rafa E Al-Qutaish, Hamid G Al-Fwa'rah (2006)  Mapping Between ISO 9126 on Software Product Quality Metrics and ISO 12207 on Software Life Cycle Processes,   In: Proceedings of the International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT'06), Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan.  
Abstract: Nowadays, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is working on the next generation of the software product quality standards which will be referred to as Software Product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE– ISO 25000 series). However, this series of standards will replace the current version of ISO 9126 International Standard which consists of inventories of proposed metrics to measure the quality of the internal, external, and in-use software product. For each of these metrics there is a cross-reference on where they could be applied (measured) during the ISO 12207 Software Life Cycle Processes and activities (SLCP). This paper provides a mapping between those two standards to highlights the weaknesses of these cross-references and proposes a number of suggestions to address them.
Rafa E Al-Qutaish, Alain Abran (2005)  An Analysis of the Design and Definitions of Halstead's Metrics,   In: Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Software Measurement (IWSM'05), Montréal, Québec, Canada, pp. 337-352.  
Abstract: Some software measures are still not widely used in industry, despite the fact that they were defined many years ago, and some additional insights might be gained by revisiting them today with the benefit of recent lessons learned about how to analyze their design. In this paper, we analyze the design and definitions of Halstead’s metrics, the set of which is commonly referred to as ‘software science’. This analysis is based on a measurement analysis framework defined to structure, compare, analyze and provide an understanding of the various measurement approaches presented in the software engineering measurement literature.
Alain Abran, Rafa E Al-Qutaish, Jean-Marc Desharnais, Naji Habra (2005)  An Information Model for Software Quality Measurement with ISO Standards,   In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Development (SWDC'05), Reykjavik, Iceland, pp. 104-116.  
Abstract: Within the ISO’s mandate to upgrade its set of technical reports on the measurement of the quality of software products (ISO 9126), the ISO working group associated with it has come up with a proposed new structure, with some interesting contributions. This paper investigates the maturity of two new concepts proposed (measurement primitives and quality measures), highlights some of their weaknesses and proposes a way to address these using the measurement information model of ISO 15939 on software measurement process.
Rafa E Al-Qutaish, Abdul Azim Abd Ghani (1998)  Incorporating Software Measurements into a Compiler,   In: Abstract book of the International Science Conference (ISC'98), Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia, pp. 35-35.  
Abstract: In the area of software engineering, software measurement is not new, it was around 26 years since Halstead originally proposed a family of software measures, collectively known as software science. The magnitude of costs involved in software development and maintenance magnifies the need of a scientific foundation to support programming standards and management decisions by measurement. This research aims at developing a compiler for a subset of Pascal language in which an evaluation for a number of software metrics has been incorporated. Lex and Yacc have been used to generate the lexical analyser and syntax analyser for the proposed compiler. While the other components of the compiler and the metrics evaluation routines have been written in C language. The proposed compiler was implemented under Linux operating system. Three metrics have been incorporated to the proposed compiler, which are: Halstead’s metrics, McCabe’s metric, and Call-Graph metric. The software metrics will be produced in the common metrics format, which is used in SCOPE project. Attribute grammars have been used to build the proposed compiler to evaluate the software metrics in the parsing time of the compilation process and to use a well-defined approach to the software metrics evaluation process.
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