Frequently Asked Questions makes it simple for you to set up and maintain a professional web page listing your publications, with links to online versions of papers (PDF and HTML), abstracts and full citation data to make it easy for others to cite your work. (sample page).
With a group account, the site allows your research group to present combined group-wide publications lists in addition to the individual lists. The group pages can be hosted on or included as components within your own website [technical details]. Group members are responsible for keeping their own list up to date, and the group-wide list is automatically generated.
Universities are under pressure to increase research impact and availablity of research outputs - a university-wide site license for offers a cost effective and simple way for universities to harvest all the publications from individual publications lists and send to an institutional repository for long term archival and dissemination of research outputs. Find out more...
Yes - just register a new account and add your publications. The 'preview' feature lets you see how your final published list will look. View a sample page or browse to the author index for more examples.
Individual researchers can use the Standard version
free of charge and host their
publications list on
At any point, users can upgrade to the Professional version
which offers a self-archiving solution with hosting of up to 500Mb
full text versions of papers (PDF)
and the ability to embed the publications list seamlessly within
your own personal or departmental web pages. The Professional version
is available as an individual subscription
of £9.99 (approx $20 or €15) per year.
Research groups and departments can purchase
a group subscription which provides the Professional features
to group members, and the ability to embed publications lists into the
group or departmental website. Reduced rates apply for larger
groups and longer subscriptions.
Register a group account for a free
group trial and detailed quote.
University-wide licenses are now available at a reduced
cost (under $5 per researcher per year) and allow harvesting
of publications lists to populate the local institutional repository.
Find out more....
Thousands of researchers from many different disciplines in universities, research organisations and companies worldwide. Check the list of organizations using to see some of the institutions with researchers on the site or browse by author.
Yes. In the data entry page there is an area where you can paste an entry from the reference management software and have the form automatically populated. You can also upload a complete bibliography file to add all the papers in one go. The supported formats are: EndNote, Reference Manager, BibTeX, ProCite, US Library of Congress XML (MODS), ISI, with conversions performed by bibutils.
Additional information is available on importing from Web Of Science, EndNote and PubMed.
Yes, there is a built in PubMed search interface for finding publications matching your name and selecting and importing the ones you want. All the fields will be fetched automatically from MedLine, including the abstract and keywords where available. More details on import from PubMed including how to set up email alerts when new publications are added on the PubMed help page.
It's possible to export details of your publications by clicking the 'select all' link at the bottom of your list. This will show links to export the list to bibtex, endnote, MODS and RIS. You can also export selected items (using the checkboxes next to each entry). On a published list, it is possible to export individual items by clicking the paper's title or the grey triangle to expand an entry. This shows links to export to various formats.
When you create your page, you can choose a user name, e.g. "a.einstein". Your list will be published to a URL like: "". When you press the 'Publish' button, you'll be taken to a page which includes a sample HTML link like: Robert Cannon's publications list or there's a version for including a button link to your page like:

Sample HTML code for the simple link above is:-
and for a button link:-
Yes, if you upgrade to the Professional version. See embedding publications list in your own page for instructions and sample html.
You can register on-line for research groups and departments. For university-wide subscriptions please contact us. When your register a group, you will receive an access code to give to your staff. They then register as normal and enter the access code to get all the benefits of the professional version, as well as extra group features including group-wide publication lists which can be filtered by keyword or year.
Certainly. After you have registered, browse to the author index, look for your name and you can select and import the references into your own list.
Yes - with the Professional version you can upload a PDF (copyright permitting) or add a link to the online version of a paper.
Most journal publishers allow authors to self-archive their own work on public websites and some funding councils even require their grantees to do so. But note that this may only apply to your own version of the document, not the final version produced by the journal. Information about self-archiving policies for most journals is available from SHERPA RoMEO. offers you the ability to build up your own personal page listing your publications. If full text preprints of some of your articles are already available online (e.g. via a preprint repository), then you can link to the repository copy. UK researchers may be interested in The Depot to find if their institution offers a repository service. UK BioMed researchers can also use the UKPMC and UKMSS manuscript submission system for hosting full text articles.
On the left of each reference is a small triangle - click this to expand the reference and show keywords, abstract, author notes, and options for exporting to bibtex, endnote and other reference formats. You can also click on the title of the article to toggle between expanded and compact views.
Yes - if your article has a DOI number, you can enter it in the reference form and a link will be added alongside the article in your list.
People will only cite your papers if they can read them! Having your list on makes it simpler for people to find the full text preprints of your articles, and to import the citation details into their reference management system or word processor. To host full text versions of your papers on, you need to upgrade to publications list professional as part of an individual or group subscription. More about impact factors
By default your email address is displayed on your publications list page along with your contact details, but the address is encoded within the page to hide it from automated email harvesters. If you do not wish your email address to be displayed at all, you can edit or remove it in the 'Author details' editing page.
Publications lists hosted on are regularly indexed by search engines like Google. It can take some time for search engines to visit new pages, however; typically a couple of weeks. You can make it easier for search engines to find your list by adding links to your page from your own website, and getting your collaborators to add links from their site.
We currently support Internet Explorer (versions 6, 7 and 8), Firefox and Safari.