

Web of Science


Embedding individual lists

Embedding group lists

Local installation

DSpace integration

DSpace workflow

Importing from Endnote

To import citations from the EndNote bibliography manager, you need to export them first in Endnote's XML format - it is not possible to upload an entire endnote library (.enl file). The

References > Search References ...

option from the main menu is useful for selecting your own publications by author name:

The author search results should be selected, and then the selected items exported to XML using the

File > Export ...

main menu option.
Important: Set the 'Save as type:' field to 'XML (*.xml)' rather than the default 'Text file (*.txt)'

The saved XML file can then be uploaded to on the "Add paper" page specifying the "EndNote XML" format. Once the list is uploaded further notes and full text versions of the papers may be added at any time.