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Luigi Buglione
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Journal articles

L Buglione, C Ebert (2011)  Estimation Tools and Techniques   IEEE Software 28: 3. 91-94 May/June  
Abstract: Estimating size or resources is one of the most important topics in software engineering and IT. You won't deliver according to expectations if you don't plan, and you can't plan if you don't know the underlying dependencies and estimates. This column is an overview of estimations. It covers estimation methods and provides an overview and evaluation of popular estimation tools.
J J Cuadrado-Gallego, L Buglione, M Fernández de Sevilla, P Rodríguez-Soria, M J Dominguez (2010)  Horizontal Dispersion of Software Functional Size with IFPUG and COSMIC units   Advances in Engineering Software (ADES) 41: 2. 262-269 February 2010  
Abstract: Software development companies today are widely using software functional size measurement (FSM) as the main variable to assess the effort and time needed to perform a new software project. In the recent years, this has led to a grown interest in improving the way the measures are taken. In such sense, one of the main aspects that could have impact on measurements and that has not been enough studied is the error introduced by the measurer of the software application, through the subjectivity that can be introduced in the interpretation of the unit application rules. Such error could be evident in a measurement dispersion, defined in this paper in two possible ways: (a) Horizontal Dispersion, where the error could be introduced by the fact that two or more different people counted the same application at the same moment in the project development; and (b) Vertical Dispersion, where the error could be introduced by same measurer that count the same application at different times during the development. Since its definition by Albrecht in 1979 and its subsequent change of name in 1986, IFPUG function points have been the functional software measurement unit mostly applied, despite the definition and standardization of other variants such as NESMA, Mk-II, or more recently FiSMA. However in recent years a new method has been introduced called COSMIC that has been defined as a 2nd-generation FSM method, attracting the interest of the international software measurement community. The aim of this research is to draw some preliminary conclusions from statistical analysis of the software functional size data in which the horizontal dispersion degree could have been introduced in measurements taken into account IFPUG and COSMIC methods.
C Gresse von Wangenheim, D Antonio da Silva, L Buglione, R Scheidt, R Prikladnicki (2010)  Best practice fusion of CMMI-DEV v1.2 (PP, PMC, SAM) and PMBOK 2008   Information and Software Technology (IST) 52: 7. 749-757 July 2010  
Abstract: The establishment of effective and efficient project management practices still remains a challenge to software organizations. In striving to address these needs, ''best practice'' models, such as, CMMI or PMBOK, are being developed to assist organizations interested in improving project management. And, although, those models share overlapping content, there are still differences and, therefore, each of the models offers different advantages. Objective: This paper proposes a set of unified project management best practices by integrating and harmonizing on a high-level perspective PMBOK (4th ed.) processes and CMMI-DEV v1.2 specific practices of the basic project management process areas PP, PMC and SAM. Method: Based on the analysis of both models, a unified set of best practices has been defined by a group of researchers with theoretical and practical expertise on the CMMI framework and software process improvement as well as project management and the PMBOK. The proposed set has been revised by different researchers from different institutions in several review rounds until consensus was achieved. Results: As a result, a set of unified best practices is defined and explicitly mapped to the correspondent PMBOK processes and CMMI specific practices of the current versions of both models. Conclusion: We can conclude that an integration and harmonization of both models is possible and may help to implement and assess project management processes more effectively and efficiently, optimizing software process improvement investments.
J J Cuadrado-Gallego, L Buglione, M J Domínguez-Alda, M Fernández de Sevilla, J A Gutierrez de Mesa, O Demirors (2010)  An Experimental Study on the Conversion between IFPUG and COSMIC functional size measurement units   Information and Software Technology (IST) 52: 3. 347-357 March 2010  
Abstract: The adoption of functional size measurement (FSM) methods in software organizations is growing. In particular, special attention is being paid to the COSMIC method, because of its novelties against 1st generation FSM methods such as IFPUG FPA. One of the main problems facing organizations wanting to use COSMIC is how to properly convert the software functional size of the projects in their portfolio measured by the previously adopted FSM method to the size measured by the new method. The objective of this paper is to find a sound mathematical basis for converting an IFPUG measurement to a COSMIC measurement. In the light of previously published researches, parallel measurements were performed to establish three new datasets (respectively composed by 21, 14 and 35 data points) and verified by an expert measurer, certified on both techniques. In order to obtain a more precise solution, the search for a mathematical relationship has been run using new nonlinear equation types. Results from the analysis confirmed an approximated conversion factor of 1:1, within a range between 0.9 and 1.1, but moving from a larger number of data points analyzed then in past studies. These results can be very useful for those companies starting to use their benchmarking databases populated in IFPUG FP units to projects measured in COSMIC FP.
A Abran, A April, L Buglione (2010)  Software Measurement Body of Knowledge   Encyclopedia of Software Engineering, Taylor & Francis Publisher 1157-1168  
Abstract: Measurement is fundamental to sciences and to the engineering disciplines. In the 2004 version of the Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledgeâthe SWEBOK Guideâthe software measurement topic is dispersed throughout the Guide and discussed in every knowledge area. To facilitate and improve teaching and use of measurement in software engineering, an integrated and more comprehensive view of software measurement has been built in the form of a software measurement body of knowledge. This entry presents this integrated view on software measurement. In the 2010 version of the SWEBOK Guide, it has been proposed that software measurement be assigned its own knowledge area.
L Buglione, R J Rejas-Muslera, J J Cuadrado Gallego (2009)  Strengthening Maturity Levels by a Legal Assurance process   Software Process: Improvement & Practice (SPIP) 14: 6. 305-314 Nov-Dec 2009  
Abstract: One of the key elements for the viability of information system projects is given by the adoption of legal assurance activities and measures since nowadays they can arise legal risks that, in some cases, can suppose a serious threat for project commercial and financial success. When calculating the return of investment (ROI) for a software process improvement initiative, readers would not take care which are the cost issues impacting on such values, supposing the activities generating such value are referable only to the processes included in a Maturity Model (MM) such as CMMI or ISO 15504. During last years, moving from the initial Philip Crosby's idea for measuring and checking the organizational evolution of an organization, a plenty of MM have been created, but there is no news about a legal assurance (LAS) process that make more systematic the way legal risks are (or should be) managed. On the other hand, professional practice usually does not incorporate standardized processes in order to discipline the legal assurance activities and measures, returning a feeling for a lack of project legal security. This article proposes to take care of LAS process as an additional process area within an MM, in order to provide a suitable instrument for the management of inherent legal risks to any information systems project. After presenting main elements for this new process, it will be presented using the typical CMMI Process Area architecture, where it would be configurable as a support process at Maturity Level 2 (ML2).
P Carbone, L Buglione, L Mari, D Petri (2008)  A Comparison Between Foundations of Metrology and Software Measurement   IEEE Transactions on Instruments of Measurement 57: 2. 235-241 February 2008  
Abstract: In this paper, we discuss basic issues related to measurements performed in the domains of software engineering and metrology. Similarities and differences are highlighted, with the aim of analyzing the level of knowledge in both domains. A theoretical approach is followed, allowing the proposal of a measurement process model, which is used as a guiding scheme throughout the paper to illustrate peculiarities arising when taking software measurements. Common ground between metrologists and software engineers are described by discussing foundations of measurement in the software context.
L Cheikhi, A Abran, L Buglione (2007)  The ISBSG Software Project Repository - An Analysis from the ISO 9126 Quality Perspective   Software Quality Professional - Journal of the American Society for Quality (ASQ) 9: 2. 4-24 March 2007  
Abstract: The International Software Benchmarking Standards Group (ISBSG) provides the Software Engineering community with a repository of project data which, up to now, have been used mostly for benchmarking and for estimating project effort. The 2005 version of the ISBSG repository includes data on more than 3,000 projects from various countries, sized with different functional size measurement methods and including a number of quality-related variables. ISO/IEC 9126 is a series of ISO documents for the evaluation of the quality of software products: it proposes three quality models (internal quality, external quality and quality in use) together with the ISO taxonomy of quality characteristics and subcharacteristics from different viewpoints throughout the whole Software Life Cycle (SLC); it also includes an inventory of over two hundred measures of the quality subcharacteristics.This paper investigates the extent to which the current ISBSG repository can be of use for benchmarking software product quality characteristics on the basis of ISO 9126. It also identifies the subset of quality-related data fields made available by the ISBSG to industry and researchers, and illustrates its use for quality analysis.
Notes: Research Notes: 488
L Buglione, A Abran (2007)  Improving Measurement Plans from multiple dimensions: Exercising with Balancing Multiple Dimensions - BMP   Projects and Profits 11-16 July 2006  
Abstract: "Tracking & Control" activities in software projects are most often based, in industry, on just twodimensions of analysis: Time and cost. Most often, `tracking & control excludes other dimensions (such as quality, risks and impact on society, stakeholders viewpoint in a broader sense) taken into account in Performance Management models such as EFQM or the Malcolm Baldridge model. How can balancing those multiple concurrent control mechanisms across several dimensions of analysis be done? Balancing Multiple Perspective (BMPs) is a procedure designed to help project managers choose a set of project indicators from several concurrent viewpoints.
Notes: Label: Refereed Journal Papers, Research Notes: 251
L Buglione (2006)  Bologna Process: the Italian Experience   CEPIS UPGRADE - The European Journal for the Informatics Professional 2006: IV. 22-26 August 2006  
Abstract: The goal of a European Higher Education Space started few years ago, starting from Paris and passing for the 1998 Bologna declaration, till the meeting of Bergen in 2005. This process, taking into account four main key issues (Threecycle Structure; European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System; Diploma Supplement; Quality Assurance), is in course of implementation in a growing number of European countries but with several differences, due to cultural and historical reasons. This paper presents the Italian situation in the light of current laws and regulations and proposes results based upon the Bologna Scorecard gathered last year in Bergen and shows possible improvement points for the next few years.
M Abu Talib, O Ormandjieva, A Abran, A Khelifi, L Buglione (2006)  Scenario-based Black-Box Testing in COSMIC-FFP: A Case Study   Software Quality Professional - Journal of the American Society for Quality 8: 3. 22-33 June 2006  
Abstract: The functional size measurement method, COSMIC-FFP, adopted in 2003 as the ISO/IEC 19761 standard, measures software functionality in terms of the data movements across and within the software boundary. It focuses on the functional user requirements of the software and is applicable throughout the development life cycle, from the requirements phase up to and including the implementation and maintenance phases. This article extends the use of COSMIC-FFP for testing purposes by combining the functions measured by the COSMIC-FFP measurement procedure with a black box testing strategy. Such a testing strategy leverages a COSMIC-FFP advantage, that is, its applicability during the early development phase once the specifications have been documented. This article also investigates the applicability of a functional complexity measure, based on entropy measurement, for assigning priorities to test cases and, ultimately, applying those concepts in a case study.
Notes: Research Notes: 533
L Cheikhi, A Abran, L Buglione (2006)  ISBSG Software Project Repository & ISO 9126: An Opportunity for Quality Benchmarking   CEPIS UPGRADE - The European Journal for the Informatics Professional 7: 1. 46-52 February 2006  
Abstract: The International Software Benchmarking Standards Group (ISBSG) provides the Software Engineering community with a repository of project data which, up to now, have been used mostly for benchmarking and for estimating project effort. The 2005 version of the ISBSG repository includes data on more than 3,000 projects from various countries, sized with different functional size measurement methods and including a number of quality-related variables. ISO/IEC 9126 (International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission) is a series of ISO documents for the evaluation of the quality of software products: it proposes three quality models (internal quality, external quality andquality in use), together with the ISO taxonomy of quality characteristics and subcharacteristics. ISO 9126 also includes an inventory of over two hundred measures of the quality subcharacteristics. The goal of this paper is to identify whether or not the current ISBSG repository can be of use for benchmarking software product quality on the basis of ISO 9126.
Notes: Research Notes: 566
L Cheikhi, A Abran, L Buglione (2006)  El repositorio de proyectos software ISBSG & ISO 9126: una oportunidad para medir la calidad   Novatica Journal 36: 179. 41-47 Jan-Feb 2006  
Abstract: el Grupo Internacional de Estándares de Medición de Software (The International Software Benchmarking Standards Group, ISBSG) ofrece a la comunidad de Ingeniería del Software un repositorio de datos sobre proyectos que hasta ahora ha sido utilizado, sobre todo, para medir y estimar el esfuerzo realizado en el desarrollo de un proyecto. La versión de 2005 del repositorio ISBSG incluye más de 3.000 proyectos de varios paises, en los que se han utilizado diferentes métodos de medida del tamaño en dichos proyectos. También se incluyen un cierto número de variables de calidad. ISO/IEC 9126 (International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission) es una serie de documentos ISO para evaluar la calidad de los productos finales de software. Propone tres modelos de calidad (calidad interna, calidad externa y calidad en uso) junto con una taxonomía ISO de características y subcaracterísticas de calidad. La serie ISO 9216 también incluye una lista de alrededor 200 medidas de las subcaracterísticas de calidad. El objetivo de este artículo es identificar si puede ser útil, el actual repositorio de datos del ISBSG, para medir la calidad de los productos finales del software, en base al ISO 9126.
Notes: Research Notes: 456
A Abran, L Buglione (2003)  A Multidimensional Performance Model for Consolidating Balanced Scorecards   Advances in Engineering Software - ADES Journal, Elsevier Science Ltd. 34: 6. 339-349 June 2003  
Abstract: A Balanced Scorecard (BSC) presents the quantitative goals selected from multiple perspectives for implementing the organizational strategy and vision. However, in most current BSC frameworks, including those developed for the Information and Communication Technology field, each perspective is handled separately. None of these perspectives is integrated automatically into a consolidated view, and so these frameworks do not tackle, either in relative or in absolute terms, the contribution of each goal to the whole BSC. Here, this issue is highlighted, candidate consolidation techniques are reviewed and the preferred technique, the QEST model, is selected; more specifically, three options are presented for incorporating the QEST model into a BSC framework.
Notes: Research Notes: 676
L Buglione, A Abran (2002)  QEST nD: n-dimensional Extension and Generalisation of a Software Performance Measurement Model   Advances in Engineering Software (ADES), Elsevier 33: 1. 1-7 January 2002  
Abstract: Process and product measurement is one of the key topics in the Software Engineering field. There already exists a significant number of one-dimensional models of performance, which integrate all individual measurements into a single performance index. However, these types of models are too over-simplified to adequately reflect the multi-dimensional nature of performance. Similarly, one-dimensional models do not meet the analytical requirements of management when various viewpoints" must be taken into account simultaneously. This papers proposes a multi-dimensional measurement model capable of handling, concurrently, distinct but related areas of interest, each representing a dimension of performance. The proposed model is based on an open model called QEST (Quality factor + Economic, Social & Technical dimensions) which had been developed to handle, simultaneously and concurrently, a three-dimensional perspective of performance:· economic dimension - the perspective of managers;· social dimension - the perspective of users;· technical dimension - the perspective of developers.A more generic form of this model has been developed to handle a greater number of perspectives, as required by, for instance, several Performance Management frameworks such as the Balanced Scorecard, the Intangible Asset Monitor and the Skandia Navigator. This paper presents the generic form derived from the QEST model, referred to as QEST nD, with the ability to handle n possible dimensions. The generic model is also verified for the particular case of three dimensions using sample data previously applied to the original QEST software performance model."
Notes: 20010911, Research Notes: 778
L Buglione, A Abran (1999)  Geometrical and Statistical Foundations of a Three-Dimensional Model of Software Performance   Advances in Engineering Software Including Computing Systems in Engineering 30: 12. 913-919 December 1999  
Abstract: This work presents the geometrical and statistical foundations of a three-dimensional model of a software project performance model called QEST (Quality factor + Economic, Social and Technical dimensions). In this model, the three dimensions taken into consideration are combined through the use of a regular tetrahedron geometrical representation of a pyramid, the sides of which represent the normalised values of each of the project dimension. This paper presents the three geometrical concepts used for assessing project performance progress using geometrical concepts of distance, area and volume, and describes how the corresponding geometrical formulae are derived. The relative merit of each is also discussed and an analysis is included of the multiple combinations of values along the three axes which can be used to assess the respective adequacy of each in order to convey maximum information in the greatest number of instances along all axes.
Notes: 19970904, 19991019, Research Notes: 768

Book chapters

R J Rejas-Muslera, E Davara, A Abran, L Buglione  Intellectual Property Systems in Software   In: Information Communication Technology Law, Protection and Access Rights: Global Approaches and Issues Edited by:I.M. Portela & M.M. Cruz-Cunha. 121-135 IGI Global isbn:978-1-61520-975-0  
Abstract: Support for research and development in information technology is considered today as critical by most governments in the industrially advanced countries. Traditionally the way of stimulating research has been to ensure to the investor the appropriability of the returns generated. Such appropriability is typically implemented by means of the Intellectual Property Rigths. Nevertheless the protection of such rights is heterogeneous worldwide. Today two different legal systems for the protection of software coexist: the system of patents and the system of author's copyrights. This chapter explains these two main systems of âintellectual propertyâ to provide legal protection to a software, including the licenses to transfer rights on software. The end of the chapter presents the most recent trends of the EU government to replace the current European software protection system, including a discussion onf the software patents and the legal initiatives on the subject. In addition, legal issues linked with new ways in software comercialization are presented.

Conference papers

M Zarour, A Abran, J M Desharnais, L Buglione (2010)  Design and Implementation of Lightweight Software Process Assessment Methods: Survey of Best Practices   In: 10th Software Process Improvement & Capability dEtermination conference (SPICE 2010), Pisa (Italy), 18-20 May 2010 39-50  
Abstract: Software process assessment (SPA) is an effective tool to understand an organizationâs process quality and to explore improvement opportunities. The knowledge represented as good-practices to develop assessment methods is, unfortunately, scattered in the literature concerned with developing either lightweight or heavyweight SPA methods. This paper organizes the set of recognized best practices that assessment methodsâ designers can use to design and implement their assessment methods. Such practices are presented in the literature as assessment requirements, success factors, observations, and lessons learned. A set of 38 practices has been collected and classified into five main classes, namely practices related to SPA methods, support tools, procedure, documentation, and users. The collected set of practices will help improving knowledge and skills in designing and conducting assessments. Although the collected set of best practices is important to design both lightweight and heavyweight methods, they are of utmost importance to design lightweight assessment methods, because these methods are developed based on individual experience and less rigor design approaches than heavyweight methods.
L Buglione, C Gencel (2010)  The Significance of IFPUG Base Functionality Types in Effort Estimation   In: Proceedings of the 5th IFPUG International Software Measurement & Analysis (ISMA5), Sao Paulo (Brazil), September 13-15 2010 IFPUG  
Abstract: Effort Estimation is still one of the most challenging processes in software engineering. The fundamental activity is to identify the most relevant size measures to use as reliable predictors for estimation and allocating right amount of resources. Function Points, being a âmulti-dimensional attribute measureâ (no matter which Functional Size Measurement (FSM) method is chosen), has been used as one of the main inputs in estimation. The total functional size of software is calculated from a measurement function and it is usually the sum of the functional sizes of different Base Functional Component (BFC) Types. The International Function Points Users Group (IFPUG) Function Point Analysis (FPA) method, one of the well-known Functional Size Measurement (FSM) methods, defines five types of BFCâs (EI, EO, EQ, ILF, EIF) each one corresponding to sub-attributes representing different functionality types to be provided to the users. The aim of this paper is to investigate the significance of each in effort estimation as compared to using the total functional size. For the empirical studies, the International Software Benchmarking Standards Group (ISBSG) r11 repository was used.
L Buglione, L Lavazza (2010)  Suggestions for Improving Measurement Plans: a BMP application in Italy   In: Proceedings of IWSM/MENSURA 2010, Stuggart (Germany), November 10-12 2010  
Abstract: Time and Cost are most often in industry the two main (often solely) dimensions of analysis against which a project is monitored and controlled, excluding other possible dimensions such as Quality, Risks, impact on society and Stakeholdersâ viewpoints in a broader sense. Another issue of interest is the proper amount of measures and indicators to implement in an organization to optimizing the âtradeoff between the cost of quality and the cost of non quality. How can multiple concurrent control mechanisms across several dimensions of analysis be balanced? The approach of Balancing Multiple Perspectives (BMP) has been designed to help project managers choose a set of project indicators from several concurrent viewpoints. After gathering experiences from Canada, Germany, Turkey and Spain, this paper presents the results from a new BMP application in Italy, using a list of 14 candidate measures interviewing a double set of respondents from academy. Lessons learned are presented, considering the impact that knowledge from universities newbies can bring into ICT organizations.
G Lami, F Bella, L Buglione, A Coco, A Coletta, F Fabbrini, F Falcini, M Fusani, P Panaroni, L Ricci (2010)  Solving Automotive SPICE open issues: an Italian Initiative   In: 10th Software Process Improvement & Capability dEtermination conference (SPICE 2010), Pisa (Italy), 18-20 May 2010 95-104  
Abstract: This paper presents the results of the ASAI (Automotive SPICE Assessors and Improvers) working group. The aim of the ASAI is to address open issues in the real application of the standard Automotive SPICE in the automotive industry. The outcomes of the ASAI activities are a set of guidelines on how some relevant open issues (expressed by means of questions) can be addressed and solved. These guidelines have been achieved by consensus after joint analysis and discussions. The purpose of this paper is to provide developers, assessors, improvers and, in general, the whole automotive software community, with a reference when specific decisions have to be taken for solving defined open issues in applying Automotive SPICE. Moreover, we hope this paper could be able to trigger a larger discussion for enhancing the uniformity and validity of Automotive SPICE assessments.
L Buglione, A April, R J Rejas-Muslera (2010)  The Need for a Legal Perspective in Software Engineering Maturity Models   In: 10th Software Process Improvement & Capability dEtermination conference (SPICE 2010), Pisa (Italy), 18-20 May 2010 11-20  
Abstract: Increasing litigation in the software industry is a growing concern for software engineers. In some cases it can be a serious threat to the software commercial and financial success. Looking at current software best practice frameworks and international standards we have not found any guidance on legal assurance for software engineers. Project Management standards such as the Project Management Instituteâs PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge), Maturity models (MM) such as the CMMI and ISO/IEC 15504 and international standards such as ISO/IEC 12207 do not currently offer guidance for software engineers on the topic of legal assurance. This paper proposes the addition of a legal management process as an additional management process within international standards life-cycle processes and maturity models, in order to provide guidance for the management of inherent legal risks associated with systems and software.
Z Racheva, M Daneva, K Sikkel, L Buglione (2010)  Business Value Isn't only Dollars - Results from Case Study Research on Agile Software Projects   In: Product-Focused Software Process Improvement (PROFES 2010) [LNCS 6156] Edited by:M. Ali Babar, Matias Vierimaa and Markku Oivo. 131-145 Springer  
Abstract: Business value is a key concept in agile software development. This paper presents results of a case study on how business value and its creation is perceived in the context of agile projects. Our overall conclusion is that the project participants almost never use an explicit and structured approach to guide the value creation throughout the project. Still, the application of agile methods in the studied cases leads to satisfied clients. An interesting result of the study represents the fact that the agile process of many projects differs significantly from what is described in the agile practitionersâ books as best practices. The key implication for research and practice is that we have an incentive to pursue the study of value creation in agile projects and to complement it by providing guidelines for better clientâs involvement, as well as by developing structured methods that will enhance the value-creation in a project.
F Ferrucci, C Gravino, L Buglione (2010)  Estimating web application development effort using COSMIC: Impact of the Base Functional Component Types   In: 7th Software Measurement European Forum (SMEF 2010), Rome (Italy), 10-11 June 2010  
Abstract: Due to its composite and particular nature, Web projects (and related applications) are quite difficult to be defined (and measured) by a single size unit, and the subsequent effort estimation process for a Web project still remains nowadays a critical activity for a project manager, thatâs in charge to deliver the final application on time, on quality, and within budget. COSMIC, a 2nd generation Functional Size Measurement Method (FSMM), seems to better capture and size also those kinds of projects than 1st generation FSMM such as IFPUG FPA and several studies have been carried out during last years, with results that would confirm such hypothesis. But a Web project can refer to different application types and/or organizational environments or, more trivially, refer to a static or a dynamic environment, with relevant impacts on functional sizes and therefore on related productivities and consequently on the estimation process. Recently some experiments have been carried out on improving estimations using combinations of Base Functional Components (BFC) for a certain FSM method as the independent proxies in multiple linear regression analysis, showing higher prediction values than using the single fsu value (e.g. UFP for IFPUG or CFP for COSMIC). This paper will present a further case study in such direction, presenting and discussing results from an empirical study carried out using data from 15 projects from an Italian company, analyzed at the light of Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) and Manual Stepwise Regression (MSWR) estimation techniques.
N Condori-Fernandez, M Daneva, L Buglione, O Ormanjieva (2010)  Experimental Study Using Functional Size Measurement in Building Estimation Models for Software Project Size   In: 8th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications (SERA 2010) 276-282  
Abstract: This paper reports on an experiment that investigates the predictability of software project size from software product size. The predictability research problem is analyzed at the stage of early requirements by accounting the size of functional requirements as well as the size of non-functional requirements. The experiment was carried out with 55 graduate students in Computer Science from Concordia University in Canada. In the experiment, a functional size measure and a project size measure were used in building estimation models for sets of web application development projects. The results show that project size is predictable from product size. Further replications of the experiment are, however, planed to obtain more results to confirm or disconfirm our claim.
L Buglione, F Ferrucci, C Gencel, C Gravino, F Sarro (2010)  Which COSMIC Base Functional Components are Significant in Estimating Web Application Development? - An Empirical Study   In: Proceedings of IWSM/MENSURA 2010, Stuggart (Germany), November 10-12 2010  
Abstract: Estimation is both a significant and challenging process for planning and managing software projects. Often, estimates are being done on experiential or analogous basis or using effort estimation models. Mostly, these approaches consider software size (e.g., Lines of Code, Function Points, Object points) and other cost factors in estimation. This study focuses on functional based effort estimation. An experiment was conducted to investigate whether the functional sizes of each of the Base Functional Component (BFC) types measured by the Common Software Measurement International Consortium (COSMIC) would better explain the variation in the effort than the total functional size. In order to conduct the experiment, 25 web-based projects were collected from a software organization. The results show that the strength of the relationship is increased and only one type of BFC might be used for estimation purposes.
L Buglione (2010)  A Valuable 'Data Experience'   In: 1st International Workshop on Valuable Software Products (VASOP'10), Limerick (Ireland), 21 June 2010  
Abstract: There is a growing interest during last years in a better understanding of the inner meaning of âproduct valueâ as perceived from the final customer, looking at possible techniques and new ways to anticipate and better capturing requirements from early stages. But even if more and more professionals and IT organizations achieve certifications on their personal knowledge or organizational maturity that should go in that direction, few attention is paid to the project closure phase and to the historicization of project data. If planned and gathered at the right level of granularity, effort data could explain and represent a valuable knowledge base â jointly with some requirement metrics - about how to create and reinforce the value to deliver to customer. This paper provides a list of possible improvement actions derived from practical experience that can bring more value to software products moving from better and more accurate project management and measurement processes.
S Trudel, L Buglione (2010)  Guideline for Sizing Agile Projects with COSMIC   In: Proceedings of IWSM/MENSURA 2010, Stuggart (Germany), November 10-12 2010  
Abstract: Agile become one of the most used âbuzzwordsâ in ICT projects during last years but the growing diffusion and interest of such methods and techniques was not accompanied by the same maturity in sizing and estimation practices. In particular the application of a functional size measurement (FSM) method for sizing requirements is not typical to âagi-listsâ, preferring to use mostly estimations based on experience and analogy. In such way, one of main drawbacks is a reduced data gathering from projects, not allowing to do (even at a basic level) statistical analysis, for better estimating the proper efforts value for next user story and â as a whole â of the project. This paper describes the reasons why a guideline for sizing Agile projects with the COSMIC method was required, along with a summary of the resulting guideline. Several agile methods are described, more specifically their expected requirements format and their measurement practices.
L Buglione, A Abran (2010)  Measure well, not ramdonly!   In: Proceedings of IWSM/MENSURA 2010, Stuggart (Germany), November 10-12 2010  
Abstract: Over the past years, Measurement has evolved within the best known Software Process Improvement (SPI) models, such as CMMI and SPICE, from a series of activities distributed across the project life cycle to a distinct process. However, within the evolutionary path towards higher maturity and capability levels of several organizations, it can be observed that there is often a tendency to plan and implement a plan of measures rather than a measurement plan. This often leads to too many measures without enough linkages to decision making. The missing link is often a proper and timely design of the causal relationships among the measures included in the plan, reducing the potential return on information (ROI) in the mid-long term. The aim of this paper is to propose a solution for optimizing resources taking into account the concurrent viewpoints of stakeholders using a combination of the QEST/LIME models and related knowledge tools.
C Gencel, L Buglione, A Abran (2009)  Improvement Opportunities and Suggestions for Benchmarking   In: 19th International Worskhop on Software Measurement IWSM-MENSURA 2009 (LCNS 5891) p. 144-156 Springer-Verlag  
Abstract: During the past 10 years, the amount of effort put on setting up benchmarking repositories has considerably increased at the organizational, national and even at international levels to help software managers to determine the performance of software activities and to make better software estimates. This has enabled a number of studies with an emphasis on the relationship between software product size, effort and cost drivers in order to either measure the average performance for similar software projects or to develop estimation models and then refine them using the collected data. However, despite these efforts, none of those methods are yet deemed to be universally applicable and there is still no agreement on which cost drivers are significant in the estimation process. This study discusses some of the possible reasons why in software engineering, practitioners and researchers have not yet been able to come up with reasonable and well quantified relationships between effort and cost drivers although considerable amounts of data on software projects have been collected. An improved classification of application types in benchmarking repositories is also proposed.
L Buglione (2009)  Play’n’Learn: A Continuous KM Improvement Approach using FSM Methods   In: 4th IFPUG Int. Software Measurement & Analysis conference (ISMA4), Chicago, IL (USA), September 13-16 2009 IFPUG  
Abstract: During last years, budgets for training within ICT organization decreased, in particular for F2F (face-to-face) sessions. A traditional, institutional, serious manner for providing training is still adopted, and it reduces the possibility for attendees to approach to training sessions as a moment for learning but also for stimulating their creativity and generate new ideas to be used in their daily work. From an organizational viewpoint, well-known maturity models position such KM-related processes at highest maturity levels (e.g. OID process area in CMMI at ML5), but using a continuous representation, it can be done (and it would be desirable) yet from lower levels. This paper proposes a different way - called âPlayânâLearnâ - to verify people knowledge using games, contextualized to Software Management & Measurement issues, at the end of training sessions as part of a continuous knowledge management process for achieving higher maturity and capability levels, according to most known maturity models (MM) such as CMMI and ISO 15504 (SPICE).
A Abran, L Buglione (2009)  Software Estimation Models and Quality Criteria   In: Proceedings of QUALITA 2009 (8th International Congress on Quality and Reliability), March 18-20, 2009 Besançon (France):  
Abstract: Software project estimation is a challenge to most software organizations, and to their customers who endure software development projects significantly over budget, with significant delays in schedules, less functionality than promised and with unknown levels of quality. Software estimation and software quality are two of the most prevalent issues facing software managers and software practitioners: there is not a software project which does not need to be estimated. Availability of estimation tools and techniques is not the problem anymore and some are even freely available on the web. But the real issue is: how good are they? Is the software industry better today than 30 years ago at estimating software projects? How to figure out the quality of software estimation models? What knowledge is available to assess the estimation tools available to industry? This paper presents an integrated view of the many of the theoretical concepts and practical procedures needed by professionals and managers to help them understand the fundamentals of the evaluation of software estimation models, and of improvements to them. The approach taken in this paper is to propose verification criteria for each of the steps of a software estimation process related to the estimation process, the quality of its direct/indirect inputs, outputs for such models as well as the quality of studies published by the models builders and of the propagation of errors through the various steps of an estimation process.
Notes: Research Notes: 730
C Gravino, S Di Martino, F Ferrucci, L Buglione (2009)  Estimating web application development effort employing COSMIC size measure: a comparison between the use of a cross-company and a single company dataset   In: 5th Software Measurement European Forum (SMEF 2009), Rome (Italy), 28-29 May 2009 77-89 IIR-Italy  
Abstract: Due to its composite and particular nature, Web projects (and related applications) are quite difficult to be defined (and measured) by a single size unit, and the subsequent effort estimation process for a web project still remains nowadays a critical activity for a project manager, thatâs in charge to deliver the final application on time, on quality, and within budget. 1st generation of FSM (Functional Size Measurement) methods, as IFPUG FPA, produced case studies and interpretative guidelines trying to âcaptureâ all the particularities of a web project into their counting guidelines, but with no success. COSMIC, the 2nd generation FSMM seems instead to better capture and size also those kinds of projects and several studies have been carried out during last years, with results that would confirm such hypothesis. This paper will present a further case study in such direction, presenting and discussing results from an empirical study carried out using data from an Italian single company dataset as well as from the public benchmarking repository ISBSG r10, analyzed at the light of OLSR (Ordinary Least Square Regression) and CBR (Case-Base Reasoning) estimation techniques.
L Buglione (2009)  Leveraging people-related maturity issues for achieving Higher Maturity & Capability Levels   In: Proceedings of IWSM/MENSURA 2009, Amsterdam (Netherlands), November 4-6 2009 (LNCS 5891) Edited by:A Abran, R Braungarten, R. Dumke, J.J. Cuadrado-Gallego, J Brunekreef. 35-47 Springer  
Abstract: During the past 20 years Maturity Models (MM) become a buzzword in the ICT world. Since the initial Crosbyâs idea in 1979, plenty of models have been created in the Software & Systems Engineering domains, addressing various perspectives. By analyzing the content of the Process Reference Models (PRM) in many of them, it can be noticed that people-related issues have little weight in the appraisals of the capabilities of organizations while in practice they are considered as significant contributors in traditional process and organizational performance appraisals, as stressed instead in well-known Performance Management models such as MBQA, EFQM and BSC. This paper proposes some ways for leveraging people-related maturity issues merging HR practices from several types of maturity models into the organizational Business Process Model (BPM) in order to achieve higher organizational maturity and capability levels.
L Buglione, J J Cuadrado-Gallego, R J Rejas-Muslera (2008)  Project Size and Estimating: A Case Study using PSU, IFPUG and COSMIC   In: Proceedings of IWSM/Metrikon/MENSURA 2008, Munich (Germany), November 18-19 2008, LNCS 5338 Edited by:R. Dumke, R Braungarten, G Büren, A Abran, J.J. Cuadrado-Gallego. 1-16 Springer  
Abstract: From the late â70s on, Albrechtâs Function Point Analysis provided an insightful way to size a software system moving from the elicitation of Functional User Requirement (FUR), making an evaluation more objective than done before using Lines of Code (LOC). This technique has currently a plenty of variants, some of them become international de jure standards (e.g. COSMIC, NESMA, Mark-II and FISMA) - called FSM (Functional Size Measurement) methods - and they are widely adopted worldwide. A common problem when using a FSM for estimation purposes is that the software size (that is a product measure, referring only to its functional side) is used as the solely independent variable to estimate the overall project effort, that includes the effort of both the functional and non-functional activities within the projectâs boundary, as currently stressed more and more in the Scope Management field, also in the Software Engineering domain (see NorthernScope and SouthernScope approaches), not knowing neither the approximated distribution between the two parts. This missing information, usually not gathered in projectsâ repositories, can be one of the reasons leading to a lower capability in estimating project effort. In 2003, a new technique called PSU (Project Size Unit) come out with the aim to size the âprojectâ entity from a Project Management viewpoint. It can be used alone or jointly with a FSM unit. In the second case, the joint usage of the two values can improve what a FSM cannot measure and therefore estimate, that is the non-functional side of a software project. This paper presents a case study with 33 projects measured both with IFPUG FPA and COSMIC methods as well as with PSU, showing the obtained results using the different sizes for estimating the overall effort, and providing a rationale for the better results with PSU.
L Buglione (2008)  An Ecological View on Process Improvement: Some Thoughts on Improving Process Appraisals   In: Proceedings of the 4WCSQ (4th World Congress on Software Quality) Bethesda, Maryland, USA:  
Abstract: One of the strengths contributing to the diffusion and adoption during last years of Maturity Models (MMs) such as CMMI and ISO 15504 (aka SPICE) is the evolutionary path towards a continuous improvement they provide, evolving the initial CrosbyÂs idea. Differently from Performance Management models (PMMs) such as the Balanced Scorecard (BSC), Malcolm Baldridge, EFQM Excellence Model or the JUSE Deming Prize, MMs seems to do not stress in their appraisal criteria the way resources are renewed, redistributing obtained ?results towards the ?enablersÂ. Looking at this question from an ?ecological viewpoint, where the current environmental situation urgently asks to adopt renewable resources taking care from an holistic view of the state of the planet, the paper will discuss this issue translating it to the organizational management, proposing possible improvements to the process assessment model (PAM) generic structure of a MM, with the objective to provide a more confident picture of an organization from an appraisal, not overrated, as nowadays it can happen.
Notes: Research Notes: 283
L Buglione, O Ormandjeva, M Daneva (2008)  Using PSU for Early Prediction of COSMIC Size of Functional and Non-functional Requirements   In: IWSM / MetriKon / Mensura 2008 (LNCS 5338) Edited by:R. Dumke, R. Braungarten, G. Büren, A. Abran, J.J. Cuadrado-Gallego. 352-361 Springer  
Abstract: The project effort calculation with a functional size measurement method such as COSMIC can only be properly performed after the "Requirements Analysis" phase in a Project Life Cycle. The goal of this research is to investigate an early and project-level tuned prediction of the product size with the intent to reduce the effect of the `cone of uncertainty' phenomenon. The lack of size measurement methods which take into account the effect of the product non-functional requirements (NFR) on size also contributes to the above phenomenon. We propose to use the Project Size Unit (PSU) technique for predicting the product (FUR and NFR) size measured in COSMIC functional size units. Such early prediction will lower the cost of size counting the project and minimize the estimation error in the requirements phase. Furthermore, the PSU calculation procedure can be automated, which would further reduce the cost of size counting. The expected advantage of jointly using PSU and COSMIC is the ability to get early estimates of the whole project effort.
L Buglione (2008)  Achieving Higher Maturity & Capability Levels Crossing Horizontal and Vertical Maturity Models   In: 22nd IPMA World Congress 2008 Conference, Rome (Italy), 9-11 November 2008  
Abstract: One of the main buzzwords during last 20 years is âmaturity modelâ (MM), moving from the original Crosbyâs idea. A plenty of MMs was created also in Project Management with OPM3, PM2 and PMMM just to name a few. Even if most of such models have been discussed, there is room for new issues to observe (e.g. those MMs are proposed in a staged and not continuous representation, and there are no enough mappings available). The paper focuses on the way to achieve improvements in organizational as well as process maturity with a 360° view, using jointly âhorizontalâ MMs (models containing all the processes to be sequentially executed in a value chain, as CMMI) and âverticalâ MMs (models deepening a group of processes within the organizationâs BPM, as PMIâs OPM3). The paper will discuss the way to combine assessment results using more MMs on the two dimensions, with a general-domain approach as well as examples from the Software/Systems Engineering domain, optimizing the effort for conducting those appraisals in an organization, as well as how to use them in the context of the IPMA Competency Baseline v3.0 and PMI Project Management Competency Development Framework v2.0.
C Gencel, L Buglione (2008)  Do Base Functional Component Types Affect the Relationship between Software Functional Size and Effort?   In: Software Process and Product Measurement (LNCS 4895) Edited by:J.J. Cuadrado-Gallego, R. Braungarten, R Dumke, A Abran. 72-85 Springer  
Abstract: One of the most debated issues in Software Engineering is effort estimation and one of the main points is about which could be (and how many) the right data from an historical database to use in order to obtain reliable estimates. In many of these studies, software size (measured in either lines of code or functional size units) is the primary input. However, the relationship between effort and the components of functional size (BFC â Base Functional Components) has not yet been fully analyzed. This study explores whether effort estimation models based on BFCs types, rather than those based on a single total value, would improve estimation models. For this empirical study, the project data in the International Software Benchmarking Standards Group (ISBSG) Release 10 dataset, which were functionally sized by the COSMIC FFP method, are used.
L Buglione (2008)  Strengthening CMMI Maturity Levels with a Quantitative Approach to Root-Cause Analysis   In: Proceedings of the 5th Software Measurement European Forum (SMEF 2008), Milan (Italy), 28-30 May 2008 67-82 IIR-Italy  
Abstract: This paper discusses and analyses the opportunity to approach a typical TQM qualitative technique such as Root-Cause Analysis (RCA), expressed with the well-known Ishikawa (or Fishbone) diagrams, in a quantitative manner. Adding a control measure at the end of each âcause boneâ can help decision-makers in their determination of corrective/improvement actions to take in terms of how much to introduce into the related action plan in the way of resources. The ISO 15939 Measurement Information Model can be the appropriate technique to help derive such measures, as it overcomes the intrinsic limitations of Orthogonal Defect Classification (ODC) by providing direct process improvement at ML2 on Measurement & Analysis (ME) and at ML3 on Organisational Process Focus (OPF), in particular taking care of the specific practice SP1.4 concerning the establishment of the organisationâs measurement repository), as well as on the General Practice GP2.8 (Monitor & Control the Process) across all the process areas involved in each single cause-effect analysis. The communication issue is discussed, an alternative way to express Ishikawa diagrams is proposed (Mind Maps), and how Mind Maps can facilitate the diffusion of RCA and its quantitative variant (Q-RCA) into organisations, and subsequently be used by organisations, is shown.
L Buglione, A Abran (2008)  Performance calculation and estimation with QEST/LIME using ISBSG r10 data   In: Proceedings of the 5th Software Measurement European Forum (SMEF 2008), Milan (Italy), 28-30 May 2008 175-192 IIR-Italy  
Abstract: Traditional benchmarking models in software engineering are typically based on the concept of productivity, first defined as a single ratio of output to input, and then combined with various cost factors leading to a single value. By contrast, the concept of performance is more comprehensive than productivity, and can handle other dimensions as well, like quality. Multidimensional models, such as those in the QEST/LIME family, are therefore necessary to adequately represent performance. In software engineering, software process improvement models typically treat productivity and performance as two distinct concepts, and at two distinct maturity levels and in distinct process areas. This paper explores how information from a comprehensive measurement program can be used to analyse performance. The project repository of the International Software Benchmarking Standards Group â ISBSG â is used as a case study to illustrate various aspects of the multi-dimensional QEST-LIME performance model.
Z Racheva, M Daneva, L Buglione (2008)  Complementing Measurements and Real Options Concepts to Support Inter-iteration Decision-Making in Agile Projects   In: 34th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA) - Software Management Track, 3-5 Sept 2008, Parma, Italy 457-464  
Abstract: Agile software projects are characterized by iterative and incremental development, accommodation of changes and active customer participation. The process is driven by creating business value for the client, assuming that the client (i) is aware of it, and (ii) is capable to estimate the business value, associated with the separate features of the system to be implemented. This paper is focused on the complementary use of measurement techniques and concepts of real-option-analysis to assist clients in assessing and comparing alternative sets of requirements. Our overall objective is to provide systematic support to clients for the decision-making process on what to implement in each iteration. The design of our approach is justified by using empirical data, published earlier by other authors.
Z Racheva, M Daneva, L Buglione (2008)  Supporting the Dynamic Reprioritization of Requirements in Agile Development of Software Products   In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Software Product Management (IWSPM 2008), Barcelona (Spain), 9 September 2008 49-58  
Abstract: Agile requirements engineering is the approach of choice for many software producers whose realities include highly uncertain requirements, use of new development technology, and clients willing to explore the ways in which an evolving product can help their business goals. From customerâs perspective, the activity of continuous requirements reprioritization forms the very core of todayâs agile approaches. However, the freedom for clients to do so does not come for free. This paper presents results of a literature review on agile requirements prioritization methods, derives a conceptual model for understanding the inter-iteration prioritization process in terms of inputs and outcomes, and identifies issues and solutions pertinent to agile prioritization The latter are derived from the authorsâ experiences and by using empirical data, published earlier by other authors.
L Buglione, C Gencel (2008)  Impact of Base Functional Component Types on Software Functional Size based Effort Estimation   In: Proceedings of PROFES 2008 Conference, Frascati, Rome (Italy), 23-25 June 2008, LNCS 5089 Edited by:A.Jedlitschka & O.Salo. 75-89 Springer  
Abstract: Software effort estimation is still a significant challenge for software management. Although Functional Size Measurement (FSM) methods have been standardized and have become widely used by the software organizations, the relationship between functional size and development effort still needs further investigation. Most of the studies focus on the project cost drivers and consider total software functional size as the primary input to estimation models. In this study, we investigate whether using the functional sizes of different functionality types, represented by the Base Functional Component (BFC) types; instead of using the total single size figure have a significant impact on estimation reliability. For the empirical study, we used the projects data in the International Software Benchmarking Standards Group (ISBSG) Release 10 dataset, which were sized by the COSMIC FSM method.
Notes: Research Notes: 314
J J Cuadrado-Gallego, L Buglione, R Rejas-Muslera, F Machado-Piriz (2008)  IFPUG-COSMIC Statistical Conversion   In: 34th Euromicro/SEAA 2008, Workshop on Software Management, Parma (Italy), 3-5 September 2008 427-432  
Abstract: One of the main issues faced within the Functional Size Measurement (FSM) community is the convertibility issue between FSM methods. A particular attention during last years was devoted to find a mathematical function for converting IFPUG functional size units to the newer COSMIC ones. Moving from the data sets and experiences described in previous studies, some attention points about cost and quality from the data gathering process emerge. This paper analyzes the data gathering process issue and proposes a solution for overcoming such difficulties. From an application of a repeteable and verifiable procedure, performed in a university course on Software Engineering with the support of an experienced measurer, two new data sets were derived. Finally an analysis of all datasets was done, presenting a possible interval for the conversion between IFPUG-COSMIC fsu.
L Buglione (2007)  Do different Functionality Types Affect the Relationship between Software Functional Size and Effort?   235 - 246 Palma de Mallorca, Spain,:  
Abstract: Effort estimation is a significant practical problem in software engineering, and various cost drivers, including software size, which mighthave an impact on it have been explored. In many of these studies, total software size (measured in either lines of code or functional size units) is theprimary input. However, the relationship between effort and the components of functional size has not yet been fully analyzed. This study explores whethereffort estimation models based on the functional size components, that is, Base Functional Component types, rather than those based on a single total value,would improve estimation models. For this empirical study, the project data in the International Software Benchmarking Standards Group (ISBSG) Release 10dataset, which were sized by the COSMIC FFP method, are used.
Notes: Research Notes: 311
L Buglione, Abran, Abran (2007)  Improving Estimations in Agile Projects: Issues and Avenues   265-274 May 8-11, Rome, Italy:  
Abstract: From the mid '90s on, a number of Agile Methodologies have been proposed, most of them based on the basic values and principles summarized in the 2001 Agile Manifesto". These agile methodologies were aimed at small teams with severe project constraints (i.e. small project teams in the same location, the customer as a member of the project team, informal communication, test-driven approach, etc.). Compared to more traditional project methodologies, Agile (or Lightweight) Methodologies are more detailed on Construction and Testing practices, but much less specific about other topics, such as Estimation. Currently, in most Agile Methodologies the experience of the team represents the basis for estimating from the high-level requirements. The application of a Functional Size Measurement Method (FSMM) for estimation purposes raises a number of technical problems in Agile projects (i.e. unstable requirements, iterative SLC, non-functional requirements). A candidate solution is to combine an early sizing method for an agile project with a full FSMM method to be applied later in the SLC, when User Stories (the way XP labels high-level functional requirements) become available and are more stable. The goal of the paper is to identify estimation issues in the most known and adopted agile methodologies, looking at possible improvements at the organizational level."
Notes: Research Notes: 325
C Gencel, L Buglione (2007)  Do Different Functionality Types Affect the Relationship between Software Functional Size and Effort?   In: Abran-Dumke-Màs 235-246 Baleares, Spain: UIB-Universitat de les Illes Baleares  
Abstract: Effort estimation is a significant practical problem in softwareengineering, and various cost drivers, including software size, which mighthave an impact on it have been explored. In many of these studies, totalsoftware size (measured in either lines of code or functional size units) is theprimary input. However, the relationship between effort and the components offunctional size has not yet been fully analyzed. This study explores whethereffort estimation models based on the functional size components, that is, BaseFunctional Component types, rather than those based on a single total value,would improve estimation models. For this empirical study, the project data inthe International Software Benchmarking Standards Group (ISBSG) Release 10dataset, which were sized by the COSMIC FFP method, are used.
Notes: Research Notes: 512
Bégnoche, Luc, A Abran, L Buglione (2007)  A Measurement Approach Integrating ISO 15939, CMMI and ISBSG   111-130 May 8-11, Rome, Italy:  
Abstract: In recent years, a number of well-known groups have developed sets of best practices on software measurement, but from different perspectives. These best practices have been published in various documents, such as ISO 15939, the CMMI model and the ISBSG data repository. However, these documents were developed independently and for a software engineering organization initiating a measurement program. As a result, it is a challenge to work out a strategy to leverage the benefits of each, while at the same time offsetting gaps. First, although ISO 15939 (Software Measurement Process) is an international standard which defines the activities and tasks that are necessary to implement a software measurement process, because its activities and tasks are defined at a very high level, additional support is necessary for ease of implementation. Second, while CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) is a model which contains the essential elements of an effective software engineering process, it is now strongly measurement-oriented, which means that it provides guidance on which elements need measurement, but does not provide specific guidelines for defining specific measures and does not support an international repository of project measurement results. Third, the International Software Benchmarking Standards Group (ISBSG) provides a repository of project data which may be used for benchmarking and development of estimation models. This paper proposes an approach to integrating resources such as ISO 15939, CMMI and the ISBSG data repository in support a software engineering measurement program.
Notes: Research Notes: 525
L Buglione (2007)  Do different Functionality Types Affect the Relationship between Software Functional Size and Effort?   235 - 246 Palma de Mallorca, Spain,:  
Abstract: Effort estimation is a significant practical problem in software engineering, and various cost drivers, including software size, which mighthave an impact on it have been explored. In many of these studies, total software size (measured in either lines of code or functional size units) is theprimary input. However, the relationship between effort and the components of functional size has not yet been fully analyzed. This study explores whethereffort estimation models based on the functional size components, that is, Base Functional Component types, rather than those based on a single total value,would improve estimation models. For this empirical study, the project data in the International Software Benchmarking Standards Group (ISBSG) Release 10dataset, which were sized by the COSMIC FFP method, are used.
Notes: Research Notes: 311
Bégnoche, Luc, A Abran, L Buglione (2007)  A Measurement Approach Integrating ISO 15939, CMMI and ISBSG   111-130 May 8-11, Rome, Italy:  
Abstract: In recent years, a number of well-known groups have developed sets of best practices on software measurement, but from different perspectives. These best practices have been published in various documents, such as ISO 15939, the CMMI model and the ISBSG data repository. However, these documents were developed independently and for a software engineering organization initiating a measurement program. As a result, it is a challenge to work out a strategy to leverage the benefits of each, while at the same time offsetting gaps. First, although ISO 15939 (Software Measurement Process) is an international standard which defines the activities and tasks that are necessary to implement a software measurement process, because its activities and tasks are defined at a very high level, additional support is necessary for ease of implementation. Second, while CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) is a model which contains the essential elements of an effective software engineering process, it is now strongly measurement-oriented, which means that it provides guidance on which elements need measurement, but does not provide specific guidelines for defining specific measures and does not support an international repository of project measurement results. Third, the International Software Benchmarking Standards Group (ISBSG) provides a repository of project data which may be used for benchmarking and development of estimation models. This paper proposes an approach to integrating resources such as ISO 15939, CMMI and the ISBSG data repository in support a software engineering measurement program.
Notes: Research Notes: 525
L Buglione, Abran, Abran (2007)  Improving Estimations in Agile Projects: Issues and Avenues   265-274 May 8-11, Rome, Italy:  
Abstract: From the mid '90s on, a number of Agile Methodologies have been proposed, most of them based on the basic values and principles summarized in the 2001 Agile Manifesto". These agile methodologies were aimed at small teams with severe project constraints (i.e. small project teams in the same location, the customer as a member of the project team, informal communication, test-driven approach, etc.). Compared to more traditional project methodologies, Agile (or Lightweight) Methodologies are more detailed on Construction and Testing practices, but much less specific about other topics, such as Estimation. Currently, in most Agile Methodologies the experience of the team represents the basis for estimating from the high-level requirements. The application of a Functional Size Measurement Method (FSMM) for estimation purposes raises a number of technical problems in Agile projects (i.e. unstable requirements, iterative SLC, non-functional requirements). A candidate solution is to combine an early sizing method for an agile project with a full FSMM method to be applied later in the SLC, when User Stories (the way XP labels high-level functional requirements) become available and are more stable. The goal of the paper is to identify estimation issues in the most known and adopted agile methodologies, looking at possible improvements at the organizational level."
Notes: Research Notes: 325
L Buglione, A Abran (2006)  Introducing Root-Cause Analysis and Orthogonal Defect Classification at Lower CMMI Maturity Levels   29-41 Cadiz (Spain):  
Abstract: This paper discusses and analyzes possible solutions for achieving an effective process improvement in one specific key process area: measurement, whatever the maturity level and without the constraints of a software process improvement model staged representation. It investigates in particular a Support Process Area, that is, Causal Analysis & Resolution (CAR), together with Orthogonal Defect Classification.
Notes: Research Notes: 9
L Buglione, R Dumke, A Abran (2006)  Suggestions for Improving Measurement Plans: First Results from a BMP Application   209-224 Rome, Italy:  
Abstract: Tracking and control" activities in software projects are most often based, in industry, on just two dimensions of analysis: time and cost. Most often, these activities exclude other dimensions (such as quality, risks, impact on society, the stakeholders' viewpoint in a broader sense) taken into account in Performance Management models such as EFQM or the Malcolm Baldrige model. How can these multiple concurrent control mechanisms across several dimensions of analysis be balanced? Balancing Multiple Perspectives (BMP) is a procedure designed to help project managers choose a set of project indicators from several concurrent viewpoints. This paper also presents the initial results from a BMP application, using a list of 14 candidate measures, with the objectives of representing the "as is" situation and determining what the "to be" situation will be, including cost figures to be possibly considered in future project budgets. Based on the results presented, which have been gathered both from an industrial and an academic sample, make it possible to look at several potential viewpoints and provide suggestions for improving measurement plans."
Notes: Research Notes: 285
M Abu Talib, O Ormandjieva, A Abran, L Buglione (2005)  Scenario-Based Black-Box Testing in COSMIC-FFP   173-182 Rome, Italy:  
Abstract: A functional size measurement method, COSMIC-FFP, which was adopted in 2003 as theISO/IEC 19761 standard, measures software functionality in terms of the data movementsacross and within the software boundary. It focuses on the functional user requirements ofthe software and is applicable throughout the development life cycle, from the requirementsphase up and including to the implementation and maintenance phases. This paper extendsthe use of COSMIC-FFP for testing purposes by combining the functions measured by theCOSMIC-FFP measurement procedure with the black box testing strategy. It leverages theadvantage of COSMIC-FFP, which is its applicability during the early development phaseonce the specifications have been documented. This paper also investigates the applicabilityof Entropy measurement in terms of its use with COSMIC-FFP for assigning priorities to testcases.
Notes: Research Notes: 396
L Buglione, A Abran (2005)  Improving Measurement Plans from multiple dimensions: Exercising with Balancing Multiple Dimensions - BMP   Como, Italy:  
Abstract: Tracking & Control" activities in software projects are most often based , in industry, on just two dimensions of analysis: time and cost. Most often, 'tracking & control' excludes other dimensions (such as quality, risks & impact on society, stakeholders' viewpoint in a broader sense) taken into account in Performance Management models such as EFQM or the Malcolm Baldridge model. How can balancing those multiple concurrent control mechanisms across several dimensions of analysis be done? Balancing Multiple Perspective (BMPs) is a procedure designed to help project managers choose a set of project indicators from several concurrent viewpoints. This paper also presents the related questionnaire with a list of 14 candidate measures helping to compare the "as-is" situation and to figure out what will be the desired one, including cost figures to be possibly considered in the budget for next projects."
Notes: Research Notes: 324
M Abu Talib, O Ormandjieva, A Abran, L Buglione (2005)  Scenario-Based Black-Box Testing in COSMIC-FFP   173-182 Rome, Italy:  
Abstract: A functional size measurement method, COSMIC-FFP, which was adopted in 2003 as theISO/IEC 19761 standard, measures software functionality in terms of the data movementsacross and within the software boundary. It focuses on the functional user requirements ofthe software and is applicable throughout the development life cycle, from the requirementsphase up and including to the implementation and maintenance phases. This paper extendsthe use of COSMIC-FFP for testing purposes by combining the functions measured by theCOSMIC-FFP measurement procedure with the black box testing strategy. It leverages theadvantage of COSMIC-FFP, which is its applicability during the early development phaseonce the specifications have been documented. This paper also investigates the applicabilityof Entropy measurement in terms of its use with COSMIC-FFP for assigning priorities to testcases.
Notes: Research Notes: 396
L Buglione, A Abran (2005)  A Model for Performance Management and Estimation   Como, Italy:  
Abstract: Traditional cost estimation models in softwareengineering are based on the concept of productivity definedas the ratio of output to input; for instance, detailed softwareestimation models, such as COCOMO, can take multiplefactors into account, but their multipliers lead to a singleperspective based on the productivity concept. A lessexplored relationship in software engineering is the onebetween productivity and performance. This paper presentssome classic concepts on the multidimensionality ofperformance, and proposes some suggestions to implementmultidimensional performance models in softwareengineering based on certain fundamental concepts fromgeometry, that is, the QEST/LIME family of models.
Notes: Research Notes: 272
L Buglione, A Abran (2005)  A Model for Performance Management and Estimation   Como, Italy:  
Abstract: Traditional cost estimation models in softwareengineering are based on the concept of productivity definedas the ratio of output to input; for instance, detailed softwareestimation models, such as COCOMO, can take multiplefactors into account, but their multipliers lead to a singleperspective based on the productivity concept. A lessexplored relationship in software engineering is the onebetween productivity and performance. This paper presentssome classic concepts on the multidimensionality ofperformance, and proposes some suggestions to implementmultidimensional performance models in softwareengineering based on certain fundamental concepts fromgeometry, that is, the QEST/LIME family of models.
Notes: Research Notes: 272
L Buglione, A Abran (2005)  Improving Measurement Plans from multiple dimensions: Exercising with Balancing Multiple Dimensions - BMP   Como, Italy:  
Abstract: Tracking & Control" activities in software projects are most often based , in industry, on just two dimensions of analysis: time and cost. Most often, 'tracking & control' excludes other dimensions (such as quality, risks & impact on society, stakeholders' viewpoint in a broader sense) taken into account in Performance Management models such as EFQM or the Malcolm Baldridge model. How can balancing those multiple concurrent control mechanisms across several dimensions of analysis be done? Balancing Multiple Perspective (BMPs) is a procedure designed to help project managers choose a set of project indicators from several concurrent viewpoints. This paper also presents the related questionnaire with a list of 14 candidate measures helping to compare the "as-is" situation and to figure out what will be the desired one, including cost figures to be possibly considered in the budget for next projects."
Notes: Research Notes: 324
A Abran, L Buglione, A Sellami (2004)  Software Measurement Body of Knowledge - Initial Validation using Vincenti's Classification of Engineering Knowledge types   255-270 Magdeburg, Germany: Shaker-Verlag  
Abstract: The Guide to the SWEBOK" (2001 Trial version) currently contains ten distinct software engineering Knowledge Areas (KAs) and three common themes: Quality, Tools and Measurement. The Measurement topic is pervasive throughout all the KAs (in both the 2001 and 2004 editions). An initial taxonomy for a new specific KA on Software Measurement had been proposed in 2003. To improve this initial proposal, the Vincenti's classification of engineering knowledge types was used as ann analytical toolal. This paper presents a revised breakdown for a body of knowledge on Software Measurement."
Notes: Research Notes: 667
A Khelifi, A Abran, L Buglione (2004)  A System of References for Software Measurements with ISO 19761 (COSMIC-FFP)   89-107 Magdeburg, Germany: Shaker-Verlag  
Abstract: Software measurement is still emerging as a field of knowledge, and, most often, traditional quality criteria of measurement methods such as repeatability, reproducibility, accuracy and convertibility are not even investigated by software measurement method designers. In Software Engineering, the Functional Size Measurement (FSM) community has been the first to recognize the importance of such quality criteria for measurement, as illustrated in the recently adopted ISO document 14143-3; these criteria represent, however, only a subset of the metrology criteria which includes, for instance, measurement units and internationally recognized measurement references (e.g. 'etalons'). In this paper, a design for building a set of normalized baseline measurement references for COSMIC-FFP (ISO 19761), the 2nd generation of FSM methods, is proposed. The goal is to design, for the first time in Software Engineering, a system of references for software FSM methods.
Notes: Research Notes: 68
A Abran, L Buglione, A Sellami (2004)  Software Measurement Body of Knowledge - Initial Validation using Vincenti's Classification of Engineering Knowledge types   255-270 Magdeburg, Germany: Shaker-Verlag  
Abstract: The Guide to the SWEBOK" (2001 Trial version) currently contains ten distinct software engineering Knowledge Areas (KAs) and three common themes: Quality, Tools and Measurement. The Measurement topic is pervasive throughout all the KAs (in both the 2001 and 2004 editions). An initial taxonomy for a new specific KA on Software Measurement had been proposed in 2003. To improve this initial proposal, the Vincenti's classification of engineering knowledge types was used as ann analytical toolal. This paper presents a revised breakdown for a body of knowledge on Software Measurement."
Notes: Research Notes: 667
A Khelifi, A Abran, L Buglione (2004)  A System of References for Software Measurements with ISO 19761 (COSMIC-FFP)   89-107 Magdeburg, Germany: Shaker-Verlag  
Abstract: Software measurement is still emerging as a field of knowledge, and, most often, traditional quality criteria of measurement methods such as repeatability, reproducibility, accuracy and convertibility are not even investigated by software measurement method designers. In Software Engineering, the Functional Size Measurement (FSM) community has been the first to recognize the importance of such quality criteria for measurement, as illustrated in the recently adopted ISO document 14143-3; these criteria represent, however, only a subset of the metrology criteria which includes, for instance, measurement units and internationally recognized measurement references (e.g. 'etalons'). In this paper, a design for building a set of normalized baseline measurement references for COSMIC-FFP (ISO 19761), the 2nd generation of FSM methods, is proposed. The goal is to design, for the first time in Software Engineering, a system of references for software FSM methods.
Notes: Research Notes: 68
L Buglione, A Abran (2004)  The Software Measurement Body of Knowledge   Rome, Italy:  
Abstract: The Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) project of the IEEE Computer Society has developed an international consensus on a Guide to the key knowledge in the Software Engineering domain This SWEBOK Guide is being adopted by the international standardization community as ISO 19759. The SWEBOK Guide includes 10 distinct Knowledge Areas (KAs) and three common themes: Quality, Tools and Measurement. As Measurement is present in all the KAs, some reviewers have suggested representing Measurement as a distinct KA. A recent analysis of software measurement topics comparing SWEBOK to the ISO standard on Metrology and the Abran/Jacquet measurement process model has highlighted a lack of generally accepted" sources, as well as some missing knowledge types, even in the area of exploitation of measurement results in quality and prediction models. According to the "generally accepted" criteria of the Project Management Institute in the PMBOK, software engineering measurement, as of 2003, would still be considered rather immature in terms of knowledge maturity.At the same time, the speed of research on software measurement has recently been on the increase, and several international standards on software measurement are coming out, both for software processes (CMMI, ISO 15504, 15939) and for software products (ISO 14143,19761,9126, etc.). Such results are strengthening the knowledge developed over the last 30 years in terms of measurement processes and methods. We are therefore of the opinion that such recent work is rapidly closing important gaps in software-related measurement knowledge, which could move relatively quickly towards the "generally accepted" threshold for establishing a new KA in the SWEBOK.This paper therefore proposes, on the basis of the Trial version of the SWEBOK Guide, of recent work and of the SWEBOK editorial criteria, an initial taxonomy for a Software Measurement body of knowledge."
Notes: Research Notes: 822
L Buglione, A Abran (2004)  The Software Measurement Body of Knowledge   Rome, Italy:  
Abstract: The Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) project of the IEEE Computer Society has developed an international consensus on a Guide to the key knowledge in the Software Engineering domain This SWEBOK Guide is being adopted by the international standardization community as ISO 19759. The SWEBOK Guide includes 10 distinct Knowledge Areas (KAs) and three common themes: Quality, Tools and Measurement. As Measurement is present in all the KAs, some reviewers have suggested representing Measurement as a distinct KA. A recent analysis of software measurement topics comparing SWEBOK to the ISO standard on Metrology and the Abran/Jacquet measurement process model has highlighted a lack of generally accepted" sources, as well as some missing knowledge types, even in the area of exploitation of measurement results in quality and prediction models. According to the "generally accepted" criteria of the Project Management Institute in the PMBOK, software engineering measurement, as of 2003, would still be considered rather immature in terms of knowledge maturity.At the same time, the speed of research on software measurement has recently been on the increase, and several international standards on software measurement are coming out, both for software processes (CMMI, ISO 15504, 15939) and for software products (ISO 14143,19761,9126, etc.). Such results are strengthening the knowledge developed over the last 30 years in terms of measurement processes and methods. We are therefore of the opinion that such recent work is rapidly closing important gaps in software-related measurement knowledge, which could move relatively quickly towards the "generally accepted" threshold for establishing a new KA in the SWEBOK.This paper therefore proposes, on the basis of the Trial version of the SWEBOK Guide, of recent work and of the SWEBOK editorial criteria, an initial taxonomy for a Software Measurement body of knowledge."
Notes: Research Notes: 822
A Abran, Kunz, Martin, Dumke, R Reiner, L Buglione (2003)  A prototype Web-based implementation of the QEST model   11 Shaker-Verlag  
Abstract: This paper presents and describes a Web-based implementation of a three-dimensional software quality measurement model. The implementation is based on the 2003 version of the ISO quality model for software products: ISO 9126. The prototype presented includes all the 120+ measures proposed in the ISO standard, as well as weight assignments, target values, current project values and automated calculations for a three dimensional representation of quality performance, based on the geometrical tetrahedron formula of the QEST model.
Notes: 20030923, Research Notes: 783
L Buglione, A Abran (2003)  Assessment of Measurement Indicators in Software Process Improvement Frameworks   24 Montreal: Shaker-Verlag  
Abstract: Measurement is progressively becoming a mainstream management tool to help ICT organizations plan, monitor and control. However, measurement itself is not a mature domain of knowledge in software engineering. The assessment of proposed measurement indicators in these process improvement models is investigated, and a methodology is proposed for the design of a measurement indicator assessment grid. A case study on the use of this assessment grid is presented and results discussed.
Notes: 20030923, Research Notes: 468
A Abran, Kunz, Martin, Dumke, R Reiner, L Buglione (2003)  A prototype Web-based implementation of the QEST model   11 Shaker-Verlag  
Abstract: This paper presents and describes a Web-based implementation of a three-dimensional software quality measurement model. The implementation is based on the 2003 version of the ISO quality model for software products: ISO 9126. The prototype presented includes all the 120+ measures proposed in the ISO standard, as well as weight assignments, target values, current project values and automated calculations for a three dimensional representation of quality performance, based on the geometrical tetrahedron formula of the QEST model.
Notes: 20030923, Research Notes: 783
P Bourque, L Buglione, A Abran, A April (2003)  Bloom's Taxonomy Levels for Three Software Engineer Profiles   In: 11th Annual International Workshop on Software Technology and Engineering Practice (STEP 2003) 123 - 129 IEEE Computer Society  
Abstract: This paper is the product of a workshop held in Amsterdam during the Software Technology and Practice Conference (STEP 2003). The purpose of the paper is to propose Bloomýs taxonomy levels for the Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) topics for three software engineer profiles: a new graduate, a graduate with four years of experience, and an experienced member of a software engineering process group. Bloomýs taxonomy levels are proposed for topics of four Knowledge Areas of the SWEBOK Guide: software maintenance, software engineering management, software engineering process, and software quality. By proposing Bloomýs taxonomy in this way, the paper aims to illustrate how such profiles could be used as a tool in defining job descriptions, software engineering role descriptions within a software engineering process definition, professional development paths, and training programs.
Notes: Research Notes: 745
L Buglione, A Abran (2003)  Assessment of Measurement Indicators in Software Process Improvement Frameworks   24 Montreal: Shaker-Verlag  
Abstract: Measurement is progressively becoming a mainstream management tool to help ICT organizations plan, monitor and control. However, measurement itself is not a mature domain of knowledge in software engineering. The assessment of proposed measurement indicators in these process improvement models is investigated, and a methodology is proposed for the design of a measurement indicator assessment grid. A case study on the use of this assessment grid is presented and results discussed.
Notes: 20030923, Research Notes: 468
Abstract: Assessing software product quality has become more and more relevant and important to managers, even though it is still challenging to define and measure the detailed quality criteria and to integrate them into quality models. Software engineering standards can help establish a common language for these detailed criteria and, in parallel, implement a model ofquality from its high-level concepts down to its lowest level of measurable details; in particular, the revised ISO/IEC 9126 suite of standards represents a useful taxonomy and framework for specifying software product quality. Several frameworks and techniques are being built on the basis of these standards. In particular, the GDQA (Graphical Dynamic Quality Assessment) framework and the QF2D (Quality Factor throughQFD) technique have been proposed to tackle software product qualityanalysis and measurement. This paper examines the structure of both and integrates them into an Integrated Graphical Assessment of Quality (IGQ) technique supporting quality assessments and related improvements through the full software lifecycle.
Notes: Refereed Conference Proceedings Papers, 20021028, Research Notes: 445
Abstract: Assessing software product quality has become more and more relevant and important to managers, even though it is still challenging to define and measure the detailed quality criteria and to integrate them into quality models. Software engineering standards can help establish a common language for these detailed criteria and, in parallel, implement a model ofquality from its high-level concepts down to its lowest level of measurable details; in particular, the revised ISO/IEC 9126 suite of standards represents a useful taxonomy and framework for specifying software product quality. Several frameworks and techniques are being built on the basis of these standards. In particular, the GDQA (Graphical Dynamic Quality Assessment) framework and the QF2D (Quality Factor throughQFD) technique have been proposed to tackle software product qualityanalysis and measurement. This paper examines the structure of both and integrates them into an Integrated Graphical Assessment of Quality (IGQ) technique supporting quality assessments and related improvements through the full software lifecycle.
Notes: Refereed Conference Proceedings Papers, 20021028, Research Notes: 445
J M Desharnais, A Abran, A Mayers, L Buglione, V Bevo (2002)  Knowledge Modeling for the Design of a KBS in the Functional Size Measurement Domain   7 Crema, Italy:  
Abstract: This document presents the high-level design of a knowledge-based system to assist measurers in applying a functional measurement method consistently and systematically to often quite complex software applications which, moreover, may be from various application domains. The knowledge model underlying the proposed system is built on the key concepts of the software development process itself, as well as on the key concepts of a specific measurement method. The concepts describing the development process originate from the ontology of the SWEBOK [5] project and those related to the functional measurement method from the ontology of the COSMIC-FFP[6] method. The task originates from our modeling of the types of knowledge embedded in the measurement process.
Notes: 20020916, Research Notes: 483
J M Desharnais, A Abran, A Mayers, L Buglione, V Bevo (2002)  Knowledge Modeling for the Design of a KBS in the Functional Size Measurement Domain   7 Crema, Italy:  
Abstract: This document presents the high-level design of a knowledge-based system to assist measurers in applying a functional measurement method consistently and systematically to often quite complex software applications which, moreover, may be from various application domains. The knowledge model underlying the proposed system is built on the key concepts of the software development process itself, as well as on the key concepts of a specific measurement method. The concepts describing the development process originate from the ontology of the SWEBOK [5] project and those related to the functional measurement method from the ontology of the COSMIC-FFP[6] method. The task originates from our modeling of the types of knowledge embedded in the measurement process.
Notes: 20020916, Research Notes: 483
A Abran, L Buglione (2002)  ICEBERG: a Different Look at Software Project Management   8 Magdeburg, Germany:  
Abstract: Every project - whatever the application field - should be managed taking into account at least four dimensions: Time, Cost, Quality and Risk. To manage these dimensions, a key tool for a Project Manager is to increase project visibility, defined as the amount of information about the project associated with its probability of occurrence. This paper uses the iceberg" metaphor to introduce the ICEBERG (Improvement after Control and Evaluation-BasEd Rules and Guidelines) approach that can help Project Managers through the use of standard (de jure and de facto) ICT methods and techniques. This approach focuses not only on the management, and measurement, of resources, process and product, but also of the project and the organization itself. A list of candidate measures related to these 5 entities is suggested for a comprehensive software measurement plan in order to reduce project risk."
Notes: 2002108, Research Notes: 699
A Abran, L Buglione (2002)  ICEBERG: a Different Look at Software Project Management   8 Magdeburg, Germany:  
Abstract: Every project - whatever the application field - should be managed taking into account at least four dimensions: Time, Cost, Quality and Risk. To manage these dimensions, a key tool for a Project Manager is to increase project visibility, defined as the amount of information about the project associated with its probability of occurrence. This paper uses the iceberg" metaphor to introduce the ICEBERG (Improvement after Control and Evaluation-BasEd Rules and Guidelines) approach that can help Project Managers through the use of standard (de jure and de facto) ICT methods and techniques. This approach focuses not only on the management, and measurement, of resources, process and product, but also of the project and the organization itself. A list of candidate measures related to these 5 entities is suggested for a comprehensive software measurement plan in order to reduce project risk."
Notes: 2002108, Research Notes: 699
L Buglione, A Abran (2001)  Creativity and Innovation in SPI: an Exploratory Paper on their Measurement?   85-92 Montréal, Québec:  
Abstract: In recent years, some software organizations have been successful at improving their maturity level, thanks to the successful application of methods and techniques which help them to achieve better performance and more consistent production processes. Models such as the Sw-CMM (and its evolutions and derived models) have provided roadmaps to process improvements. Creativity and innovation have been placed at Level 5 of the CMMI and the P-CMM respectively. A suggestion is made in this paper to consider creativity and innovation management earlier on in such SPI models. Also in this paper, we propose, in an exploratory way, a method for mapping, tracing and measuring creativity, based on two entities: the CA matrix and the Creativity Indices.
Notes: 20010910, Research Notes: 313
L Buglione, N Kececi, A Abran (2001)  An Integrated Measure for Functional Requirements Correctness   137-150 Montréal, Québec:  
Abstract: This paper describes and illustrates a methodology for identifying the correctness of software functional requirements on the basis of a logic-based dynamic framework. It focuses on the issues related to user and/or system functional requirements; quality attributes, measures and analysis methods, and integrates the core concepts of the Graphical Requirement Analysis (GRA) and COSMIC-FFP techniques:The proposed approach provides a structured procedure for arranging functional software requirements into a graphical framework, thereby providing a means for evaluating their clarity and their presence/absence. Moreover, the architecture of this approach makes it possible to trace specific entities forwards, from system/user requirements to design, and backwards. The way in which the proposed Integrated Measure for Functional Requirements (IMFR) captures critical aspects of functional requirements such as ambiguous or incomplete requirements, incomplete linkages from software requirements to system requirements and to design and/or to test cases is illustrated. Using a sub-system of the Generic Westinghouse Reactor Protection (GWRP) control system case study as an example, we identify and demonstrate various ambiguities of textual software requirements.
Notes: 20010910, Research Notes: 444
L Buglione, A Abran, R Meli (2001)  How Functional Size Measurement Supports the Balanced Scorecard Framework for ICT   259-272 Heidelberg, Germany:  
Abstract: The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) represents one of the performance management frameworksadopted with great success in business circles in recent years. One of its most valuablestrengths is its linkage of the strategic and operational levels, through a quantitative andqualitative management using a series of indicators from four different perspectives: Financial,Customer, Internal Process, Learning & Growth. The success of this framework in thebusiness world has led to some tailored extensions in the ICT world, with a few examplesdeveloped in the second half of the '90s. A key issue that needs to be addressed in the designand implementation of a BSC for ICT companies is measurement of the software itself. Tobuild a BSC, once the overall strategic direction has been identified, Goals, Drivers andIndicators (GDI elements) must be selected for each perspective. Even though significantattention has already been paid to the first two elements (Goals and Drivers), the last(Indicators) has been largely neglected. To address this measurement issue in the ICT field,we propose that Functional Size Measurement (FSM) be used as a key measure to normaliseother measurement results across reference values. In summary, this paper illustrates howthe use of Functional Size Measurement can strengthen an ICT BSC, from the operationalpoint of view of measurement.
Notes: Research Notes: 804
L Buglione, N Kececi, A Abran (2001)  An Integrated Measure for Functional Requirements Correctness   137-150 Montréal, Québec:  
Abstract: This paper describes and illustrates a methodology for identifying the correctness of software functional requirements on the basis of a logic-based dynamic framework. It focuses on the issues related to user and/or system functional requirements; quality attributes, measures and analysis methods, and integrates the core concepts of the Graphical Requirement Analysis (GRA) and COSMIC-FFP techniques:The proposed approach provides a structured procedure for arranging functional software requirements into a graphical framework, thereby providing a means for evaluating their clarity and their presence/absence. Moreover, the architecture of this approach makes it possible to trace specific entities forwards, from system/user requirements to design, and backwards. The way in which the proposed Integrated Measure for Functional Requirements (IMFR) captures critical aspects of functional requirements such as ambiguous or incomplete requirements, incomplete linkages from software requirements to system requirements and to design and/or to test cases is illustrated. Using a sub-system of the Generic Westinghouse Reactor Protection (GWRP) control system case study as an example, we identify and demonstrate various ambiguities of textual software requirements.
Notes: 20010910, Research Notes: 444
L Buglione, A Abran, R Meli (2001)  How Functional Size Measurement Supports the Balanced Scorecard Framework for ICT   259-272 Heidelberg, Germany:  
Abstract: The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) represents one of the performance management frameworksadopted with great success in business circles in recent years. One of its most valuablestrengths is its linkage of the strategic and operational levels, through a quantitative andqualitative management using a series of indicators from four different perspectives: Financial,Customer, Internal Process, Learning & Growth. The success of this framework in thebusiness world has led to some tailored extensions in the ICT world, with a few examplesdeveloped in the second half of the '90s. A key issue that needs to be addressed in the designand implementation of a BSC for ICT companies is measurement of the software itself. Tobuild a BSC, once the overall strategic direction has been identified, Goals, Drivers andIndicators (GDI elements) must be selected for each perspective. Even though significantattention has already been paid to the first two elements (Goals and Drivers), the last(Indicators) has been largely neglected. To address this measurement issue in the ICT field,we propose that Functional Size Measurement (FSM) be used as a key measure to normaliseother measurement results across reference values. In summary, this paper illustrates howthe use of Functional Size Measurement can strengthen an ICT BSC, from the operationalpoint of view of measurement.
Notes: Research Notes: 804
L Buglione, A Abran (2001)  Creativity and Innovation in SPI: an Exploratory Paper on their Measurement?   85-92 Montréal, Québec:  
Abstract: In recent years, some software organizations have been successful at improving their maturity level, thanks to the successful application of methods and techniques which help them to achieve better performance and more consistent production processes. Models such as the Sw-CMM (and its evolutions and derived models) have provided roadmaps to process improvements. Creativity and innovation have been placed at Level 5 of the CMMI and the P-CMM respectively. A suggestion is made in this paper to consider creativity and innovation management earlier on in such SPI models. Also in this paper, we propose, in an exploratory way, a method for mapping, tracing and measuring creativity, based on two entities: the CA matrix and the Creativity Indices.
Notes: 20010910, Research Notes: 313
L Buglione, A Abran (2000)  Balanced Scorecards and GQM: What are the differences?   Madrid, Spain:  
Abstract: This paper compares two quantitative approaches recommended for developing and supporting software process improvements, that is, the Goal-Question-Metric (GQM) technique and the Balanced Scorecard (BSc) framework. While both offer the opportunity to implement a quantitative analysis of software projects, they are often misinterpreted as either interchangeable or, on the contrary, mutually exclusive. After summarising the key aspects of the two approaches, three main characteristics are proposed as a basis of comparison: measurement object, nature of the approach and strategy. These make it possible to identify similarities as well as key differences. In particular, it will be illustrated that strategy is the key point of differentiation between the two. More specifically, the added value in the BSc approach resides in its structuring of a causal relationship chain among the business goals of the various perspectives, which allows for a proper alignment of business and operative goals for achieving success. Examples of the research effort on the joint use of GQM and BSc are presented, as well as the way in which they can contribute to improving the extensions of BSc to the IT field, such as improvements to the ESI-Balanced IT Scorecard (BITS).
Notes: 20001023, Research Notes: 312
L Buglione, A Abran (2000)  LIME: A Three-Dimensional Software Performance Measurement Model for Project Management   6 Yokohama (Tokyo Bay Area), Japan:  
Abstract: An open model called QEST (Quality factor + Economic, Social & Technical dimensions) has been developed to handle, simultaneously and concurrently, three-dimensional viewpoints of performance. This model was developed initially to represent multiple views of performance of completed projects. It originally represented a static view of projects. This paper presents an extension to this QEST model, which allows it to be used dynamically throughout a project's life with the flexibility to represent, for example, distinct views of quality depending on the phase of the lifecycle considered. This model is referred to as the LIME (LIfecycle MEasurement) model and can accommodate a lifecycle model where each phase can have distinct relative distributions across the three viewpoints.
Notes: 20000508, Research Notes: 750
L Buglione, A Abran (2000)  QF2D: A different way to measure Software Quality   10 Berlin, Germany:  
Abstract: Quality Function Deployment (QFD) technique has been developed in the context of Total Quality Management, and it has been experimented in the software engineering domain. This paper illustrated how key constructs from QFD contributed to an development of a second version of a Quality Factor (QF) for a qualitative sofwtare evaluation, considering three distinctive but connected areas of interest, each of them representing dimension of performance:- economic dimension, the perspective is the managers' viewpoint;- social dimension, the perspective is the users' viewpoint;- technical dimension, the perspective is the developers' viewpoint.This new version of the original QF technique, referred to as QF2D (Quality Factor through QFD), has the following features: it can be used for both a priori and a posteriori evaluations of the software product; it makes usage of the set of quality sub-characteristics proposed in the new upcoming ISO/IEC 9126: 2000 standard it has a variable number of elements taken into account the three viewpoints for the evaluation; it offers the visual clarity from QFD for external and internal benchmarking. An implementation of this new version of this technique in quality models is also discussed.
Notes: 20001024, Research Notes: 790
L Buglione, A Abran (2000)  LIME: A Three-Dimensional Software Performance Measurement Model for Project Management   6 Yokohama (Tokyo Bay Area), Japan:  
Abstract: An open model called QEST (Quality factor + Economic, Social & Technical dimensions) has been developed to handle, simultaneously and concurrently, three-dimensional viewpoints of performance. This model was developed initially to represent multiple views of performance of completed projects. It originally represented a static view of projects. This paper presents an extension to this QEST model, which allows it to be used dynamically throughout a project's life with the flexibility to represent, for example, distinct views of quality depending on the phase of the lifecycle considered. This model is referred to as the LIME (LIfecycle MEasurement) model and can accommodate a lifecycle model where each phase can have distinct relative distributions across the three viewpoints.
Notes: 20000508, Research Notes: 750
L Buglione, A Abran (2000)  Balanced Scorecards and GQM: What are the differences?   Madrid, Spain:  
Abstract: This paper compares two quantitative approaches recommended for developing and supporting software process improvements, that is, the Goal-Question-Metric (GQM) technique and the Balanced Scorecard (BSc) framework. While both offer the opportunity to implement a quantitative analysis of software projects, they are often misinterpreted as either interchangeable or, on the contrary, mutually exclusive. After summarising the key aspects of the two approaches, three main characteristics are proposed as a basis of comparison: measurement object, nature of the approach and strategy. These make it possible to identify similarities as well as key differences. In particular, it will be illustrated that strategy is the key point of differentiation between the two. More specifically, the added value in the BSc approach resides in its structuring of a causal relationship chain among the business goals of the various perspectives, which allows for a proper alignment of business and operative goals for achieving success. Examples of the research effort on the joint use of GQM and BSc are presented, as well as the way in which they can contribute to improving the extensions of BSc to the IT field, such as improvements to the ESI-Balanced IT Scorecard (BITS).
Notes: 20001023, Research Notes: 312
L Buglione, A Abran (2000)  QF2D: A different way to measure Software Quality   10 Berlin, Germany:  
Abstract: Quality Function Deployment (QFD) technique has been developed in the context of Total Quality Management, and it has been experimented in the software engineering domain. This paper illustrated how key constructs from QFD contributed to an development of a second version of a Quality Factor (QF) for a qualitative sofwtare evaluation, considering three distinctive but connected areas of interest, each of them representing dimension of performance:- economic dimension, the perspective is the managers' viewpoint;- social dimension, the perspective is the users' viewpoint;- technical dimension, the perspective is the developers' viewpoint.This new version of the original QF technique, referred to as QF2D (Quality Factor through QFD), has the following features: it can be used for both a priori and a posteriori evaluations of the software product; it makes usage of the set of quality sub-characteristics proposed in the new upcoming ISO/IEC 9126: 2000 standard it has a variable number of elements taken into account the three viewpoints for the evaluation; it offers the visual clarity from QFD for external and internal benchmarking. An implementation of this new version of this technique in quality models is also discussed.
Notes: 20001024, Research Notes: 790
L Buglione, A Abran (1999)  LIME: A Three-Dimensional Measurement Model for Life Cycle Project Management   12 Lac Supérieur, Québec:  
Abstract: Organizational performance models are usually based on accounting systems, and therefore take into account mostly the economic-financial viewpoint, or the tangible asset part, of it using performance management terminology. In the IT field, the Earned Value model has been promoted to be present project performance during the project life cycle. However, these types of models oversimplify performance representation with a single performance index, while in reality multiple viewpoints must be managed simultaneously for proper performance management.This work shows how an open three-dimensional measurement model of software project performance functions. Called LIME (LIfecycle MEasurement), it extends the structure of a previous model to a dynamic context I applies to software production during all SLC phases, which are classified following a generic 6-step and scheme waterfall standard.A quantitative and qualitative analysis of the project is effected considering the three distinctive but connected areas of interest, each of them represent has a dimension of performance:· economic dimension, from the managers' viewpoint, with a particular attention to cost and schedule drivers;· social dimension, from the users' viewpoint, with particular attention to the quality-in-use drivers;· technical dimension, from the developers' viewpoint, with particular attention to technical quality, which has a different impact during each SLC phase.
Notes: 19991101, Research Notes: 821
L Buglione, A Abran (1999)  A Quality Factor for Software   7 Paris, France:  
Abstract: This work starts from the analysis of the increasing importance for management to have available tools for quality measurement of company resources, in particular of software. This work presents the concept of the design of a Quality Factor (QF) for a qualitative software evaluation, considering three distinctive but connected areas of interest, each of them representing dimension of performance:- economic dimension, the perspective is the managers' viewpoint;- social dimension, the perspective is the users' viewpoint;- technical dimension, the perspective is the developers' viewpoint. An implementation of this QF, based on ISO/IEC 9126 standard, in quality models is also discussed
Notes: 19990318, Research Notes: 336
L Buglione, A Abran (1999)  A Quality Factor for Software   7 Paris, France:  
Abstract: This work starts from the analysis of the increasing importance for management to have available tools for quality measurement of company resources, in particular of software. This work presents the concept of the design of a Quality Factor (QF) for a qualitative software evaluation, considering three distinctive but connected areas of interest, each of them representing dimension of performance:- economic dimension, the perspective is the managers' viewpoint;- social dimension, the perspective is the users' viewpoint;- technical dimension, the perspective is the developers' viewpoint. An implementation of this QF, based on ISO/IEC 9126 standard, in quality models is also discussed
Notes: 19990318, Research Notes: 336
L Buglione, A Abran (1998)  A Three Dimensional Software Performance Measurement Model   24 Rome:  
Notes: 19980604, Research Notes: 749
L Buglione, A Abran (1998)  A Three Dimensional Software Performance Measurement Model   24 Rome:  
Notes: 19980604, Research Notes: 749
L Buglione, A Abran (1998)  Multidimensional Software Performance Measurement Models: A Tetrahedron-based Design   12 Magdeburg, Germany:  
Abstract: This work presents an improved version of an open multi-dimensional model of performance, called QEST (Quality factor + Economic, Social and Technical dimensions) [8]. Performance is defined here as productivity adjusted by quality, both of which can be represented from multiple viewpoints. The QEST model integrates into a single representation three dimensions, each one represented by a productivity measurement value derived from an instrument-based measurement process, which value is then adjusted by a perception-based measurement of quality achieved. Both components of performance, that is productivity and quality, take into account the same three distinct viewpoints of performance:* economic dimension, the perspective is the managers' viewpoint, with particular attention paid to cost and schedule drivers;* social dimension, the perspective is the users' viewpoint, with particular attention paid to the quality in use drivers;* technical dimension, the perspective is the developers' viewpoint, with particular attention paid to technical quality.
Notes: 19980916, Research Notes: 767
L Buglione, A Abran (1998)  Multidimensional Software Performance Measurement Models: A Tetrahedron-based Design   12 Magdeburg, Germany:  
Abstract: This work presents an improved version of an open multi-dimensional model of performance, called QEST (Quality factor + Economic, Social and Technical dimensions) [8]. Performance is defined here as productivity adjusted by quality, both of which can be represented from multiple viewpoints. The QEST model integrates into a single representation three dimensions, each one represented by a productivity measurement value derived from an instrument-based measurement process, which value is then adjusted by a perception-based measurement of quality achieved. Both components of performance, that is productivity and quality, take into account the same three distinct viewpoints of performance:* economic dimension, the perspective is the managers' viewpoint, with particular attention paid to cost and schedule drivers;* social dimension, the perspective is the users' viewpoint, with particular attention paid to the quality in use drivers;* technical dimension, the perspective is the developers' viewpoint, with particular attention paid to technical quality.
Notes: 19980916, Research Notes: 767
L Buglione, R Rejas-Muslera, J J Cuadrado-Gallego  Strengthening Maturity Levels by a Legal Assurance process   In: Proceedings of EuroSPI2 2008 , European Systems & Software Process Improvement and Innovation, Dublin (Ireland), 3-5 September 2008 Edited by:O'Connor, R.; Baddoo, N.; Smolander, K.; Messnarz, R.. 11.25-35 Springer  
Abstract: One of the key elements for the viability of information system projects is given by the adoption of legal assurance activities and measures since nowadays they can arise legal risks that, in some cases, can suppose a serious threat for project commercial and financial success. When calculating the Return of Investment (ROI) for a software process improvement initiative, readers would not take care which are the cost issues impacting on such values, supposing the activities generating such value are referable only to the processes included in a maturity model (MM) such as CMMI or ISO 15504. During last years, moving from the initial Philip Crosbyâs idea for measuring and checking the organizational evolution of an organization, a plenty of MM have been created, but there is no news about a legal assurance process that make more systematic the way legal risks are (or should be) managed. On the other hand, professional practice usually does not incorporate standardized processes in order to discipline the legal assurance activities and measures, returning a feeling for a lack of project legal security. This paper proposes to take care of a Legal ASsurance process (LAS) as an additional process area within a MM, in order to provide a suitable instrument for the management of inherent legal risks to any information systems project. After presenting main elements for this new process, it will be presented using the typical CMMI process area architecture, where it would be configurable as a Support process at Maturity Level 2 (ML2).

Refereed Conference Proceedings Papers


Technical Reports

L Buglione, A Abran (1999)  Multidimensional Software Performance Measurement Models: A Tetrahedron-based Design   [Technical Reports]  
Notes: Type of Work: Technical Report, 20011005, Research Notes: 284

Technical reports

L Buglione (2010)  Some Thoughts on Productivity in ICT Projects   SEMQ White Paper, WP-2010-01, v1.3.  
Abstract: This document proposes a discussion about the current, common definitions of productivity within the Software-Systems Engineering community, stressing some practical incongruities across some ISO/IEC standards and proposing some ways to overcome them.
L Buglione (2010)  On the Contractual Use of Maturity Models   SEMQ White Paper, WP-2010-02, v1.0.  
Abstract: This document proposes a discussion about the usage of Maturity Models (MM) in ICT contracts, moving from the current state-of-the-art with its pros & cons. The discussion is not strictly focused on a particular model (e.g. CMMI or ISO/IEC 15504) but faces the issue from a birdâs eye view, trying to find a way for promoting more and more the habit in applying MM in the ICT community.
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